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I don't want to lose my love but i am stressed

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Well I am in a relationship that I feel is in a really bad spot. I love my boyfriend very much and we are pregnant. He means everything to me. But recently I feel we are arguing way more then needed. We argue about doing the dishes cleaning the house the animals name it we have agrueed about it. I am on bed rest so i have been told to stop working he works construction and gets all the bills paid. which i really appriceate. Last night he got really drunk and said a lot of hurtful words and i told him they hurt but he thinks everytime we argue that once we wake up it will all be ok. i don't feel that way. He just sleeps everything off i can't sleep when we argue. He doesn't cook anymore, he doesn't help me clean anymore and it is really getting stressful. someone tell me what i can do. i look at my house and i hate it i look at myself in the mirror and i hate the reflection, I look at him and i love him but i am sick of it. i don't want to loose him.

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Ok honey I have never been preganant but I here that it is all on its own an extremely stressful thing to go through. You BF had no right to say anything nasty to you but you do have to understand he is working all day and havingto see you everyday and he needs some of his own time. WITHOUT YOU. Now as for not liking yourself you have to remember that you are pregnant having a bad self image comes along with pregnancy. You just need to remember that you are still you and beautiful to boot. as for the him being able to sleep off a fight. My BF does the same thing. I haev just had to learn to deal with it. hope ive helped a little

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My BF also like to "sleep things off". It is an unhealthy way of pushing problems back & ignoring them rather than dealing with them. Nothing gets solved, forgiven, or repaired in that way. And by stuffing things back like that, they end up exploding later (particularly after a few martinis).


Like, Amalphia said, prengancy is extremely stressful for both of you, so it's no wonder that you guys are fighting more, especially when he's been handed the task of paying all the bills. If he is working and paying the bills, wouldn't it be fair if you took care of things around the house? I mean, as much as you are physically able to at the time.

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