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My friend has been acting weird lately

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I have a friend who I've recently become a lot closer with. We weren't that close before and would catch up maybe once every couple of months for lunch. But lately, we've been messaging each other a lot and just talking about anything. She's also giving out really weird signals. She would jokingly say stuff like "you just want to see me huh" or "you were just thinking about me." One time, she said something like "aww I feel special, you want to hang out with me." We never had this kind of relationship before where we could say these things but now I guess we're more comfortable with each other. And whereas before she would be busy when I asked her to hang out, now she asks to join me to do certain things or is generally down to hang out more often.


I just feel like she's a lot friendlier and I'm getting a vibe that she might be interested in me. But I'm not sure whether it's her being interested or just a matter of us becoming closer friends. Ironically, when I first met her, she said that people thought we would make a good couple but that she told them that we were just friends and for me not to "misunderstand." Am I misinterpreting things here?

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Talk to her about this or make a move, the next time you are together in person.



Whatever you do, do NOT attempt to discuss this via text.

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Before, every time I texted her she would take awhile to text back and the conversation usually died after 8-9 texts. But now she responds almost immediately and our conversations can go on and on. She's also calling me now which was unheard of before.

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With all due respect, trust your gut instincts. I think you already know what to do to simmer the friendship to a friendlier keel.

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