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Tony need advise on my hemmroids


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You are giving out great medical advise here so i thought i'd ask for your opinion on my hemmroids. they are itchy little buggers. some times they hurt like the dickens to. as a joke i some times call them speed bumps but thats just a joke coz i am totaly straight. i try to have lots of fiber in my diet coz that helps with regularity if you know what i mean. tried that preperation h stuff but its not that great. you know alot so i figure you can help me and hemmroid sufferers everywhere. i bet there are a few at this place. another thing. i get this big pimples on my rump. know anything about these? i tried using a scrub brush but that hurts. and while i'm at it i get in grown toe nails. what can a person do for these. we all thank you for your help here. rosco

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Go to your favorite search engine, I suggest Yahoo.com, Lycos.com or Google.com, and enter: "hemorroid" of "piles" as they are otherwise known, in the search field. Be sure you spell it correctly. You will get an abundant amount of information about this disease, certainly a pain in the butt for many. There may even be newsgroups on the subject, I don't know.


I got audited by the IRS once and really got sore from them crawling up there looking for stuff I didn't do and money I didn't have.


While most people use a scrug brush very sparingly for this. However, I understand from talking to people this tool is often their ace in the hole.


As you may know by now, people can be a bigger pain in the butt than hemorroids, particularly when they just won't enjoy their lives without interfering with that of others. That seems to be the root of many problems posted on this board.


As for your piles, I feel your pain.

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Sorry, when I gave the spelling I very much meant to give it to you as: hemorrhoid That is the spelling you need to use in the search engines. I left out the second "h" in my post above.

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