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Parents Favoring One of Three Brothers


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Hello, I'm usually in the romantic section of LS. Now I have a family situation on which I'd like some outside opinion.


I have two brothers. My parents own two neighboring houses, linked by the respective gardens, a flat in the same city and a recreational home in a rural area. My parents live in one of the houses for about ten years, called A here, and the three of us grew up with our parents in house B.


My parents informed my older brother and me (I'm in the middle) that my younger brother will buy the house B from them. The sales price is set about 250k or approximately 40 percent under market value.


It upsets me that the house I grew up in goes, without even talking to me or my older brother. It also upsets me that this value is destroyed, favoring my younger brother.


Thanks for reading,


Edited by umirano
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