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"Can I let you know by _____?"


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There is a girl a co-worker introduced me to, we've been texting for a few days now after figuring out through our mutual friend that we were attracted to one another.


We've already talked about going out, and she has mentioned how the idea I had for a night out sounded "lovely." Seemed like the very precursory conversations we had went well enough. On Sunday I told her my availability and mentioned how Wednesday and Saturday would work out best with my schedule, to which point she said she'd let me know by today when might work best.


I don't know, it's been a long time since I've played "the game," so to speak. If she never gives a day that she would like to go out, do I take that as a sign that maybe she was just being nice originally, or should I push the subject. And if so, how do I do it in a way that doesn't make me look pushy or desperate?

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