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Two months plus+ into dating, now she says Fwb!

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So I've known this woman for almost two years and when I first met her there was a oblivious attraction.we met at a bar and if we ran into one another at this weekend bar we would flirt.One night we left the bar and things happen not sex but things.I start talking to her more often and hang out with her after work.She eventually tells me she has a "friend" this going to come along one day, A man.This stricken me odd but I go with it.I wind up talking to him and asking if he is interested in her , what are they because they know each other quite well.He says just friends, so I say would it be ok for me to purse her, what is she really like etc...He replies with very detailed info and seems immediately jealous and clams up.I find it to be weird but I still purse her.We wind up hanging out all the time and seeing each other out, and wind up naked a few times after oral sex.No penetration.Here is where things get sticky.She has a younger son.Im told to come by one night and hangout.He is there i met him and we get along.we continue to see each other once maybe twice a week.with and without the son involved.Romantically I think.So one night I lean in for a kiss and she pulls away say she has a boyfriend.The guy from earlier.So I'm a little hurt bc I have already fallen for her.I split.don't see her for months.She changes jobs and is now in my favorite watering hole.We talk and she is on break/break up,the other guy.I just want to have fun so we do.The next morning she freaks out, like what has she done.she isn't with him but feels guilty.I hang around hoping for glimpse of light, and or possibility.We start the whole thing up again.this time strings are different, she is really close and expresses feelings such as making future plans and dates months in advance.We get along, but I begin to notice a pattern the more I get to know her, there's sober her, the rational one.Then there is not sober her, apparently I have been involved with the drunk girl and the sober girl doesn't "remember" what we do or say.So all the affection, pillow talk, and dates we went on alcohol was involved and she says she barley remembers.I feel is selective and a cop out.So I still have great feels for her but I end it, for whats best for me.After a few months she goes through some legal issues,DUI , and the other guy does something that almost allows her to lose her son.one night she calls me crying doesn't know where she is obviously wasted.I come to her aid, no sex no bs just a ride home.She begins to contact me more and more and one night she say to me that I needed to step up and be the man she wants me to be.So I do I immerse myself into her life children and all, met her family, she met mine.We see each other everyday, talk everyday.Go on dates.However I withhold sex.I want to be sure this time.after a couple months we are now sleep with one another and a lot.We do everything together, my friends, and mutual friends see it as relationship.my old girls friends are stand office when are out.Im taken, she is careful to be jealous enough to be cute.PDA in front of people holding hands kissing, dance intimately.Sober and tipsy.We talked and she says that she is only with me and she hopes I'm only with her.Heres what confuses me.She said if she is going to be with someone else she will tell me before hand, or at least use protection.......errrrrrrrrallll!!!!!! Scratching halt, Im like ok, very confused.last weekend we went out and my best two friends from which I have know for 20years came along.She is cold , non affectionate while in their presence.Even goes as far as allowing a dude i don't know to hangout and flirt with her in front of me.I try to get a OSS from her and she denies me.We leave the bar and she is all over me.But I'm not happy, insulted, kinda hurt.Why did she clam up? We wind up getting into a argument because I told her she hurt my feelings.But she is mad at me for setting the expectations of dating, girl I'm seeing, girlfriend to my friends.She say this word for word, Im with you everyday, I **** you, I kiss you you are involved in my life and vice versa.What more do you want?..Does this have to be me and only me, does she have to be mine for this to work?Couple shots later she is screaming at me in a public place, and tells me to go **** myself.I don't like the abuse so i leave.I turn off my phone for a few days think and talk about leaving.i turn my phone on and a brigade of txt and voice mails come in apologizing.She values our relationship.I met up with her and she says we need to be Fwb, and she though she made the clear earlier.But once again exclusively only us two.She states she hates being somebodies property.I don't get it.So I am at the point where I have lost most if not all hope for a real relationship.Now just sex, I love the sex, most I have had in years.what is she really after.....somebody to care of her son and her, that does all the relationship stuff, sex and caring but at the drop of the hat will be out of her life if needed.......Im so emotional tossed around i can't think straight....please help, anyone, especially women.

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Is the sex really good enough to be this girls doormat? Cause that's what it sounds like you're saying. You've mentioned absolutely NOTHING else in your post to explain why you so badly want to be with someone that treats you like dirt.


Not sure what you're tormented about. Either you can accept being her "FWB", or you can get some dignity and pride, go completely NO CONTACT, and move on. This relationship is never gonna have the happy ending you are trying to make it into.

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Thanks Olivia for the reply..when we are good we are really good together as long as alcohol isn't involved. The son has big role to play unfortunately, a part of my heart is with her son.He latched on to me as i to him.The father is non existent, and I have been the only dude in his life he can remember.Since I am not a dad yet, never had the chance to be, the little guy clouds some feelings.Best reason i found why I'm still involved.Yes sex is amazing, "was amazing" before the last fight.Since, mediocre at best, She is trying harder to please me with little to no success and I am trying less.Im not a machine but I already knew that.My head, no pun intended isn't in it.I think she has a good idea that I'm unhappy, and trying to compensate.So yea I'm gonna run right before V day.

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