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how can i prove i havent done it ?

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how can i prove im not cheeting?

i have been with my boyfriend fo 9yr and i love him very much, a few year back i was unfaithfull and my boyfriend forgive me then things went from bad to worse even to an exstent where i wasent allowed in the bed cos i were dirty.

recently we got back together after a 6mth split things were the best they could ever be we are even arranged to be marrid on 5th feb.

this was great until rubbish started going round about me again and this time i havent done anything gary wont believe me and says the wedding is off coz im not believed please help

rach xx

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Trust is the foundation in any relationship. Your boyfriend doesn't trust you and from the looks of it, he will never trust you.


There is nothing you can do to gain his trust. It's up to him.


I am very sorry.

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Rebuilding trust is very difficult. Basically, you have to open up everything about your life to him. Nothing can be private or a secret for you. Check out <URL removed> for more information on what can be done to re-establish trust. I warn you though, it will be very difficult for you. You get no privacy. He would have to be able to access your email, your phone records, where you are going, who you are going with, he could call you at any time to verify you are where you say you are.

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