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Isn't she aware of my feelings?

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So, I'm 26, met a girl half year ago (she's 22).

We just met at a bar, it clicked... but nothing more

Next day she added me on facebook, she asked if i still remembered that I invited her at my place the next day. I wasn't really serious when i said that the evening we met but because she asked, i said: sure, i'd love to...


She came with a friend ( it was because of that common friend we started talking at the first place) and it was a nice afternoon. Still nothing more for me... A week later suddenly she texted me ( i didn't gave her my number i think) if i was in town and if i wasn't comming to the same bar we met, she said she really wanted me to come. So i was pleased and went over and it was like the whole evening there was something magical between us. She was only talking with me and we were laughing and dancing all the time, she didn't gave her other friends any attention. When she left, she sent me some messages like " i wish i had stayed" etc...

She asked if i could join her to go to a festival the nex day ( which i had to refuse because i had plans), i really thought it was happening and i felt extremely in love ( for the first in maybe 10 years )


the next week we had a lot of contact on fb chat. I wanted to ask her out but she reacted a bit hesitating. Suddenly she didn't reply my messages anymore which was awkward. I heard from her friend she broke up a few months earlier with her boyfriend and he was really acting like a pain in the ass.


I was pretty sad because i didn't hear her anymore but i met some other woman, dated etc a, even had a gf for a short period, but i kept thinking about that girl so i broke up with that gf too ( wasn't in love).

Suddenly she begon to send me messages again, she really started liking a lot on my facebook. Started to talk to me all the time on fb again and asked to meet etc. It was obvious she still kept an eye one me because she did a know a lot about me without me telling her. She knew what music i liked, which concerts i went, i had a new job, which car i had etc without me telling her.


During the fb- chats she gave me a lot of compliments like that i was soooo cute and interesting and she wanted to do something with me etc.

She was there everytime i had sent her a message and we chatted for hours. She often said i made her happy..


So we met . I have to say i'm a pretty confident guy but I'm pretty shy to flirt. I 'm just not able to do that. That evening was extremely fun and sweet but i didn't want to make a move. She stayed at my place but we both slept on a seperate couch, heads close to each other, talked and laughed all night.

Next day she stayed till the early evening. You have to know she was in the middle of her examination period so she must really have liked it to be there with me because her time was expensive.She also said I was the most interesting person she had ever met. She left with a big hug. I felt extremely in love. Next days we chatted a bit


She proposed to meet up after her exam what we did and it was again very fun and sweet but with no "flirty" electricity in the air ( I 'm someone who blocks that, don't know how to begin , don't know how shi would respond but she didn't act flirty too).

Few hours later she again sent me a message how cool it was en that we have such a "click". I was happy and thought "maybe next time"

We planned an evening to see each other again and she aggreed.


Since then she still talks to me on facebook but i feel she's more distant, she doesn't sound as if she's in love anymore. ( like she did before, but maybe she wasn't i don't know). She also stopped giving me compliments all the time.

Now i Don't know what to do, i feel really in love.

But do I have to wait and try to initiate some flirting of is the bird allready gone? Or do i just have to tell her or wait at her initiative.

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She stayed at your place for the night, you didn't make a move, and you slept on separate couches.


You friend-zoned yourself buddy, that's all there is to it.

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Coming from a woman .... What I think is happening is she is contacting you when she feels the need to be around a man who likes her a lot (even loves). You may be her "go to" when she's sad and not with anyone. This could be looked at pretty negative but you need to "step up" and sweep her off her feet. Right now you are just being a friend to her. I don't mean sleep with her, or be all sappy. I mean, think of a strong man, shoulders back and invite her out to something fun. Be fun with her and see what happens. :) Then the romance can start. I hope this helps!

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If you like her kiss her, plain and simple.Do you want to stay just friends?If so then don't kiss her.She will tell you the rest by her reaction to the kiss.

No alcohol involved if you want the truth.The kiss will also tell you more info about your own feelings.



Good luck hope it works out.

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Sorry pal, ya got friend-zoned. And yes, she's probably aware of your feelings, which is why she is going to you whenever she's down; when she's normal is when you get the cold shoulder. SOME girls (not all) are attention whors and like to play with people's hearts when given the chance

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