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Where do you go to meet women at?


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@OP...that is like asking where do you go to breathe air? Women are everywhere just like men are. It becomes the question of, what kind of woman are you after?


A woman you meet in a bar, casino, strip joint is probably not for everyone no matter what their story may be, and the same goes for women looking for men.


This might come as a shocker to you....but next time you are in Cotsco, walmart, grocery store and your local hardware store, look around and you will see potential mates right under your nose.


If you are the type that can't strike up a conversation, then obviously this becomes a moot point for you. It all about eyes - brain coordination....smile, make / strike up conversation (nothing inappropriate that will portray you as a creep).


NOTE: Well of course you want to check their ring finger first before you have a wife/husband causing a big drama

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I would suggest you watch the DVD of Sex And the City episodes to learn more about women's lifestyles and thought process.

OMG you're going to traumatize the poor guy.:laugh:

But yeah, that's a step in the right direction. There's a stigma against men watching or reading stuff that is romantic, or sexual with a female viewpoint. Why? There's a bunch of guys in here who could stand to be locked in with a Jamie Hernandez or Judy Blume book for an hour or two.

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There are also women from different ethnicities and countries that have different expectations. You might be more comfortable just talking to and dating Indian women because they are familiar with your customs and lifestyle. But if you want to date a white American girl, then you will have to be open and accepting of their interests and lifestyle which might include drinking beer, weed, rock music, rap music, christianity/catholicism, whatever. If you aren't comfortable hanging out with people from different cultures and lifestyles than your own, then just stay a shut in. But if you are open-minded about meeting new people, talking to different people from different cultures, and learning about new cultures, then you will have lots of opportunities to talk to girls. Florida also has a large hispanic population, so you can try to talk to catholic hispanic girls if you find them attractive. But find other topics to talk about besides computers. I would suggest you watch the DVD of Sex And the City episodes to learn more about women's lifestyles and thought process.


Cheers for the advice, I'm open to dating white American girls as I'm open to interracial relationships. I don't mind drinking but due to being born early use to this I have weak lungs and liver. I could drink but just got intorrlence. I don't want dating a women is sober for a year. So problems. Going to church is now problem . I know about the big Latino population in FL but not really attracted to me.

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Honestly, most men are just lazy and don't want to try to work on their communication skills to get better with women. Men just want to find a girl to have sex with, then sit on the couch and watch football or play video games.


If you actually practice yoga, then definitely join a yoga class and the women will come up to you because you will be the only male in the class. It just sounds like you don't want to be active or social in the real world.


If you want to marry an Indian Hindu girl, then you are probably better off using one of those Indian Matrimonial sites, since most Indian families are okay with Matchmaking.


Thanks, I would love to try to join a yoga class but thee are none here in Vero. Bi would love to marry a nice American white girl. I have now problem having interracial couple. I would love marry an American women. She make me whole and mr parents don't really care as long as she don't chest me and waste my money.

A women who would would sports and have wild sex would be my ideal women but I'm dreaming.

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OMG you're going to traumatize the poor guy.:laugh:

But yeah, that's a step in the right direction. There's a stigma against men watching or reading stuff that is romantic, or sexual with a female viewpoint. Why? There's a bunch of guys in here who could stand to be locked in with a Jamie Hernandez or Judy Blume book for an hour or two.


Haha, I have seen des and city back during the original run back in England. I hated it. Sorry guys. Just a Sarah Jessica Parker and the others getting men to have sex which them. Nothing. More

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You aren't alone on that thinking.


I doubt women is going to a grocery store to hope that a male they like is willing to approach them out of the blue while they are shopping. Of course, key words here is "a male they like". If you aren't even close to what she wants, you made a fool out of yourself.


Well, that went well.....


Heavens forbid, I certainly don't go to grocery stores checking out women either. I find that kind of perverted.


Well, as long as you don't ask her while she's looking for hygiene articles... :lmao:


But seriously, if there's a female alone walking through town who doesn't seem all-too rushing, Idon't think talking to her is a taboo. Went to the nearest city just yesterday and noticed a nice looking guy, and apparently he noticed me too. Eye contact for like 3 seconds, then we had passed each other.

Or another time during vacation, I walk down the beach, guy passes me, I had smiled at him but didn't expect he had noticed. Turned around, saw that he had turned around as well but both of us just kept walking.


I still get tingles when I remember it. :love: I remember a game where someone had said "She smiled at you. She'll remember you now." Very true.

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Most men? No need for generalization's, even if having a girl and being able to watch football and play video games sounds good to me :D


Come on, the men who complain about being bad with women, are really not trying hard at all to improve their skills. They are just plain lazy and involved with other things that do not include talking to women.


Any guy who is willing to put in the time and practice at improving his social skills, will definitely do better meeting women and landing dates and relationships.

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Cheers for the advice, I'm open to dating white American girls as I'm open to interracial relationships. I don't mind drinking but due to being born early use to this I have weak lungs and liver. I could drink but just got intorrlence. I don't want dating a women is sober for a year. So problems. Going to church is now problem . I know about the big Latino population in FL but not really attracted to me.


Listen mate, stop with the negativity and think positive about meeting new people and at the very least make new friends even if they are platonic. Just focus on widening your social circle and getting some social experience. If you have health problems, then there are plenty of women out there that are into healthy lives. Do you join a gym? DO you run in 3k road races? These are all fun activities. Also, you might have to move to a bigger city or travel more than an hour to do social activies.


As for making friends with other races, it might be harder until you find if you have hobbies or interests in common. Go to concerts or other social events. Make some male friends who can introduce you to women.


But I also think you are unrealistic in your expectations. Are you hitting or expecting to date models? You might have to start dating any girl you can get, even if they are unattractive or over-weight.


You need to paradigm shift your expectations and really push yourself to see how far you are willing to go and improve yourself to meet women. Because the anti-social, mute, lazy guy is going to fail 99% of the time.


Haha, I have seen des and city back during the original run back in England. I hated it. Sorry guys. Just a Sarah Jessica Parker and the others getting men to have sex which them. Nothing. More
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Listen mate, stop with the negativity and think positive about meeting new people and at the very least make new friends even if they are platonic. Just focus on widening your social circle and getting some social experience. If you have health problems, then there are plenty of women out there that are into healthy lives. Do you join a gym? DO you run in 3k road races? These are all fun activities. Also, you might have to move to a bigger city or travel more than an hour to do social activies.


As for making friends with other races, it might be harder until you find if you have hobbies or interests in common. Go to concerts or other social events. Make some male friends who can introduce you to women.


But I also think you are unrealistic in your expectations. Are you hitting or expecting to date models? You might have to start dating any girl you can get, even if they are unattractive or over-weight.


You need to paradigm shift your expectations and really push yourself to see how far you are willing to go and improve yourself to meet women. Because the anti-social, mute, lazy guy is going to fail 99% of the time.


Are u kidding me :), Move to a big city. I already from London to Vero I am not moving again. After my parents pass on, Maybe but not now. I am a generally negative person because nothing goes right for me ever. Im a pessimistic person. I dont go to the gym or run anymore due to my knees and I have a home gym so there is no point spending so much money when there is no personal trainer.


Make male friends, no way, I will just end up drinking and getting wasted.

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@OP...that is like asking where do you go to breathe air? Women are everywhere just like men are. It becomes the question of, what kind of woman are you after?



This might come as a shocker to you....but next time you are in Cotsco, walmart, grocery store and your local hardware store, look around and you will see potential mates right under your nose.


If you are the type that can't strike up a conversation, then obviously this becomes a moot point for you. It all about eyes - brain coordination....smile, make / strike up conversation (nothing inappropriate that will portray you as a creep).


NOTE: Well of course you want to check their ring finger first before you have a wife/husband causing a big drama


Last I looked around my local walmart all I say were married couples or singe moms. I do go to sams club and see the same thigng

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But I also think you are unrealistic in your expectations. Are you hitting or expecting to date models? You might have to start dating any girl you can get, even if they are unattractive or over-weight.


No. Just no.


Expecting to date models is unrealistic unless you have dated a few consistently in the past.


But I refuse to tell anyone, male or female, to date someone where there is no attraction. I don't give a damn if I am so unattractive that I can't get a date no matter what I do. I rather have it that way than to date women that I clearly don't want or it shows quickly she doesn't want me.


If you are not attracted to her, leave her alone. Don't waste your and her time trying to make something happen out of nothing.


For example, you will never convince me to date a woman over 200 pounds when I clearly told you that it is a deal breaker for me and I don't even like myself for being 160.

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Are u kidding me :), Move to a big city. I already from London to Vero I am not moving again. After my parents pass on, Maybe but not now. I am a generally negative person because nothing goes right for me ever. Im a pessimistic person. I dont go to the gym or run anymore due to my knees and I have a home gym so there is no point spending so much money when there is no personal trainer.


Make male friends, no way, I will just end up drinking and getting wasted.


So you lived in London, and did not make any friends in that city?

Do you live with your parents in Vero? Are you not able to live by yourself for whatever reason? Do you know how to cook for yourself?

I'm not going to tell you what hobbies to pursue, but many hobbies cost money. Besides, yoga classes are cheaper than full gym memberships. Also, women don't like stingy cheap men who aren't willing to spend money on going out and doing activities. How can a woman think you are capable of supporting a family, if you are unwilling to spend money in the real world.

I think you have a social anxiety problem, not just a fear of women, but a fear of meeting men and women.

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So you mean at the gym when I see the hotties to talk to them? Talk to them about what?

Yes, you should talk to anyone you're interested in. Talk about anything. If they have TV's on ask about that, ask about their workout routine, etc. Starting a conversation isn't that hard. Just talk to them like you'd jabber with the cashier at the supermarket. If after talking to them you still are interested, then ask for a number or just setup a date.


I notice at the gym guys are more talkative to each other especially the older guys, but when it comes to the girls I rarely see them talking to anyone unless they're are there with a girl friend of theirs.

That's because young guys are chicken****s. Expecting that if they look great that women are just going to come crawling to them. Too afraid to put themselves out there and get rejected. Because what? A rejection from a stranger means that much?


On the other hand as men mature they realize that women aren't all that intimidating and having a conversation with them is no different than any other conversation.


Why are women so quiet and anti social at the gym?

They're not, you already said they talk to people. If you want them to talk to you then you need to start a conversation.

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Anyways I have nowhere to meet girls. I just got my degree a month ago and Im a few years older than most college grads. Anyways where is one who isn't working supposed to go?


Any skydiving shop

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So you lived in London, and did not make any friends in that city?

Do you live with your parents in Vero? Are you not able to live by yourself for whatever reason? Do you know how to cook for yourself?

I'm not going to tell you what hobbies to pursue, but many hobbies cost money. Besides, yoga classes are cheaper than full gym memberships. Also, women don't like stingy cheap men who aren't willing to spend money on going out and doing activities. How can a woman think you are capable of supporting a family, if you are unwilling to spend money in the real world.

I think you have a social anxiety problem, not just a fear of women, but a fear of meeting men and women.

Yes I lived in London, Moved this country thinking I could get a job. I hate my life. I live with my parents and yes im a chep because every bloody thing is so expensive and I don't own my own car. We share a car due to high cost of insurance



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I am shy and don't get out much. I do women but mom said all FL women just want to take my money

So, unless shes from any state except FL or Mormon and don't smoke. I will not date

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I don't go anywhere with the explicit intention of meeting women.


I go to the bar, or out on the town at night, to unwind and/or have fun with friends. Women are usually in the vicinity (since they like to go out and enjoy themselves too) and I'll occasionally meet one on occasion.


I go to the gym to work out, to yoga class to practice yoga, to lunch places to eat lunch during the middle of the workday, to the supermarket to buy food, to the occasional meetup because it caters to one of my interests, and so on. Women just so happen to be present, sometimes abundantly so, in all of those places...and every now and then I meet one.


To put it bluntly, the first reply by Philosoraptor is exactly right.

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I am shy and don't get out much. I do women but mom said all FL women just want to take my money

So, unless shes from any state except FL or Mormon and don't smoke. I will not date

I love my Mom, you better love your Mom :) but they can give the worst advice. All women are not gold diggers.

As for Mormon women, what exactly do you know about Mormonism?

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I love my Mom, you better love your Mom :) but they can give the worst advice. All women are not gold diggers.

As for Mormon women, what exactly do you know about Mormonism?


Sure I do but after working in customer service, I see a lot of women come with different guys so they can buy their chewing tobacco, cigs and beer . I love my mom dearly of course. Mormon region does not allow prematerial sex , drinking alchool or smoking

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I am shy and don't get out much. I do women but mom said all FL women just want to take my money

So, unless shes from any state except FL or Mormon and don't smoke. I will not date


Hahah, are you for real? Are you a real person? Seriously, you are a 30 year old adult who is refusing to meet women. Do you actually believe that you should avoid all Florida women? Since you live in Florida, how the heck can you date someone not living in Florida? Are you trying to have a long distance relationship or just trying to date a girl from India? You mom is just not giving you realistic advice that bends the rules of physics. She can warn you about gold-diggers, but she may just want you to stay single forever.


I say visit a Mormon church and try converting to Mormonism. They are very interested in spreading their faith, and most of their young women want to get married right away.


But I would say your best bet is to use an India Matrimonial site, and mail-order a wife from India. You won't have to leave the house or become a different person.

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Hopefully later on as you mature and grow, you will come to appreciate why having a woman with a degree and career is worth it compared to 10 with careers


If and when you get married, then get divorced...you will want your wife / ex to be a career woman with a damn good job.....nobody wants to be paying alimony to a person that stayed at home and has no skills to fall back on


The courts are so sympathetic towards spouses with no skills and haven't worked for years. There are some men out there paying minimum 3k/month in CS and SS

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Hahah, are you for real? Are you a real person? Seriously, you are a 30 year old adult who is refusing to meet women. Do you actually believe that you should avoid all Florida women? Since you live in Florida, how the heck can you date someone not living in Florida? Are you trying to have a long distance relationship or just trying to date a girl from India? You mom is just not giving you realistic advice that bends the rules of physics. She can warn you about gold-diggers, but she may just want you to stay single forever.


I say visit a Mormon church and try converting to Mormonism. They are very interested in spreading their faith, and most of their young women want to get married right away.


But I would say your best bet is to use an India Matrimonial site, and mail-order a wife from India. You won't have to leave the house or become a different person.


You are kidding right, English born and breed of Indian decent and have never been to India. I would like to meet FL Women but what my mom said just scared me. As u said, maybe she is trying to make me stay single as she said "do not worry you will find a women eventually". Mormons are good but My first choice would be going to a bar or lounge and try to pick up a women. Most women in on the Treasure Coast here in FL are originally from NJ or NY. Some women are single moms which i prefer not to date. Don't like any baby drama. On top of all that, I dont currently drive due to not owning a car.


My mom also said don't drink alcohol so naturally I drank and hated it but I do like the new Guinness black lager. Very nice.


@OP, Hope you will find a good women. Try coffee shops, gyms etc. Makes sure the women eventually marry has a degree and a good job. I also have to marry a fellow degree holder as we will both have brainy kids.

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You are kidding right, English born and breed of Indian decent and have never been to India. I would like to meet FL Women but what my mom said just scared me. As u said, maybe she is trying to make me stay single as she said "do not worry you will find a women eventually". Mormons are good but My first choice would be going to a bar or lounge and try to pick up a women. Most women in on the Treasure Coast here in FL are originally from NJ or NY. Some women are single moms which i prefer not to date. Don't like any baby drama. On top of all that, I dont currently drive due to not owning a car.


My mom also said don't drink alcohol so naturally I drank and hated it but I do like the new Guinness black lager. Very nice.


@OP, Hope you will find a good women. Try coffee shops, gyms etc. Makes sure the women eventually marry has a degree and a good job. I also have to marry a fellow degree holder as we will both have brainy kids.


I think you should have your mom find you a wife, since she controls everything you do. Good luck.

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I think you should have your mom find you a wife, since she controls everything you do. Good luck.


It looks that way, because Im incapable of dating:laugh: because 1. Whos going to date a British Sri Lankan (2nd Gen) who grew up in London 2. American women looks right past me. However, She knows just want to get out of the house and get a GF.

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It looks that way, because Im incapable of dating:laugh: because 1. Whos going to date a British Sri Lankan (2nd Gen) who grew up in London 2. American women looks right past me. However, She knows just want to get out of the house and get a GF.


You seem to be contradicting yourself in every statement, so I don't know if you are serious or are just messing around with the forum.


If you want to meet women, then go out to a bar with some friends. You don't have anyone else to blame if you decide to stay home every day.


Frankly, its kinda weird that you don't move to a larger city with more foreigners. I think its time you get a big boy job and move out into your own apartment.

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