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boy trouble

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Okay, so there's this guy in my 5th hour, aka my crush. i really like him and i know he likes me back bc he told me. so here's the story: he gave me his kik on like last week's thursday and we started talking since then. but on friday is when things started to get serious and cute. he told me how beautiful i was, we told each other A LOT of personal things and we found out that we have a lot of things in common too. so everything was going perfect, we sent each other cute and flirty emojis and he even asked me to be his valentine but since i'm not gonna be in the country for that day i had to say no but he said it was fine, he said he was gonna kiss me before i left, if i let him and of course i said okay.. Anyways we were all cute and stuff he said he was interested in me BUT on Sunday like around 11:00pm he texted me again saying "hey" i said hi back and he said "i have to tell you something" i was like "yes?" and this is what he said: "so i have this ex that i never really got over and we were talking again today and she asked me out and it took me a while to answer because i really like you but i just wanted to let you know that i'm going out with her again, i'm sorry" when i was done reading this i felt as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and cut into a million pieces. he said he was sorry if he lead me on... Then on Monday it was the awkwardest **** ever we talked like to say say and stuff but that's kinda it. since that sunday he never texted me again on kik and idk i'm depressed, i didnt want this to happen. so i need your help, idk what to do... Should i try to forget about him? should i wait for him to realize that he made a mistake? please help. i needed to get this off my chest, but sadly the pain's still there:(...

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Okay, so there's this guy in my 5th hour, aka my crush. i really like him and i know he likes me back bc he told me. so here's the story: he gave me his kik on like last week's thursday and we started talking since then. but on friday is when things started to get serious and cute. he told me how beautiful i was, we told each other A LOT of personal things and we found out that we have a lot of things in common too. so everything was going perfect, we sent each other cute and flirty emojis and he even asked me to be his valentine but since i'm not gonna be in the country for that day i had to say no but he said it was fine, he said he was gonna kiss me before i left, if i let him and of course i said okay.. Anyways we were all cute and stuff he said he was interested in me BUT on Sunday like around 11:00pm he texted me again saying "hey" i said hi back and he said "i have to tell you something" i was like "yes?" and this is what he said: "so i have this ex that i never really got over and we were talking again today and she asked me out and it took me a while to answer because i really like you but i just wanted to let you know that i'm going out with her again, i'm sorry" when i was done reading this i felt as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and cut into a million pieces. he said he was sorry if he lead me on... Then on Monday it was the awkwardest **** ever we talked like to say say and stuff but that's kinda it. since that sunday he never texted me again on kik and idk i'm depressed, i didnt want this to happen. so i need your help, idk what to do... Should i try to forget about him? should i wait for him to realize that he made a mistake? please help. i needed to get this off my chest, but sadly the pain's still there:(...


Why waste your precious time with someone who clearly isn't over his current/prior relationship?


If you want to wait around on him, go ahead. Good luck tho.

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Why waste your precious time with someone who clearly isn't over his current/prior relationship?


If you want to wait around on him, go ahead. Good luck tho.


It seems you fell for him much too soon without really getting to know him a lot better. You might wanna try to control those emotions a little more.

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Try to look at the upside. He is straight forward with you and doesn't lead you on. Too many people lack this normal decency.


I'm sorry for your loss. It won't happen often that you start talking someone and they get chatted up again by their ex. I would strongly recommend against waiting up for him. Your time is as precious as his and there are many other boys...


good luck :)

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if i knew how, i would. trust me.


Get out now while you can. He will probably continue to jerk you around now that he has you hooked. That was probably the plan to begin with. Now that you are hooked he will string you along to keep you in his life as an ego boost.


You probably wont listen, but you need to run now. This push pull game with your heart could last for years if you don't. Suck it up, be a big girl and tell him to take a long walk off a short pier! Then stay no contact and let yourself heal.

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Don't worry, i'm gonna listen to ya'll. this is no good for me and i know i have to stay away and just forget about him, it's gonan be hard since i have to see him everyday but i'm gonna do my best. Thanks for your advice, i appreciate it.

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