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Anyone can tell me... How to find pilot BF?


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Sorry for a stupid topic,

I'm very new member here...


My name is Silvia And I living in Thailand

First of all I'd to say... Very nice to meet you all....

I'm looking forward to seeing a pilot boyfriend


If you ask me for What the reason... Only one thing a bit crazy

I love to see When they walk and love their job

Even I know it would be so hard on a relationship As he his job its alway on the sky But For me its good as we dont live together everyday and will not make our love get bore easy.


Is just my dreams.... I'd to running to give him a big hugs After his flight and walk in to coming home... That is my wish


Anyone can give me any idea????????

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Try a dating site which specialises in focusing on specific professions.


This isn't a dating site, just to let you know.

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Anyone can give me any idea????????

Take lessons.


Join a club.


Get hired by an airline that doesn't have rules about dating pilots.


You're going to be fishing in a very small pond so you'll need as much of an advantage as you can possibly gain.

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Hello and welcome to LS :)


A number of airlines have flight attendant bases in Thailand and you can greatly enhance your chances of meeting an airline pilot by becoming a flight attendant and, additionally, it's a great way to see the world.


As an example, here is the process for your homeland airline.


Good luck!

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