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Is getting blown cheating? Note if you are m or f

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Grinning Maniac

Are you nuts? How in the hell is letting someone else suck your pole NOT cheating? Your "bf" doesn't even believe that b.s., I assure you. He's just taking advantage of your trust and gullibility. There is NO man on the face of this planet who thinks oral sex isn't cheating. I know I shouldn't make generalizations like that but....**** it. There isn't. Not even Bill Clinton bought that load of crap. He just hoped everyone else would. I bet he was surprised as I was when that very subject became the "hot topic" of the day.


This is not even a ****ing debatable issue. ORAL SEX IS CHEATING. How the **** could it not be? Someone explain that one to me. "Just like a handshake"? This guy has the biggest balls on planet Earth. I'm actually impressed. That's the biggest pile of crap I've ever seen in my life. Holy hell... Damn it, if guys can complain about their gfs not blowing them enough, I think that implies that BJs are far different than friggin handshakes. Do you ever see people going up to their bosses and saying:


"Sir...I really don't think we shake hands enough. It's becoming very frustrating."


Jesus, some people make me want to strangle pandas.

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Simple solution Marge. Nest time you and this doofus are out somewhere, and you meet a guy he knows, when he sticks out his hand to introduce himself to you, go down on him and tell your guy you are just shaking hands.


Well, no, actually when next you meet new people, suggest HE go down on whatever new men you meet. After all, if he thinks it's just like shaking hands, then he'll have no problem doing it to men, right?

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Damn for real?! Just like a handshake... :confused:


So would this mean that oh I don't know.. IF you spanked a** all nite while screaming who's ya daddy as she rode you would be the same as a "how you doing?"


W :eek: w!


Of course I could be wrong here.. I'm not Miss Manners or Dear Abby.. but yeah I'm thinking even Dr. (get you some) Ruth might say that a Blow Job is NOT at all the same as a handshake..


Are you sure he didn't say Hand JOB? :confused:



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Originally posted by Merin

Are you sure he didn't say Hand JOB? :confused:





baby, i wish you could give me one of those, and a boob f*** also :p

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Originally posted by alphamale

baby, i wish you could give me one of those, and a boob f*** also :p



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Wow, Merin, alphamale is being both 'cocky' and 'funny'!


That's totally enough to submit to him and his degradation! Get ready for some very bad small-cocked sex! :p

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Originally posted by Mustard Bomb

Wow, Merin, alphamale is being both 'cocky' and 'funny'!


That's totally enough to submit to him and his degradation! Get ready for some very bad small-cocked sex! :p



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Originally posted by Mustard Bomb

Wow, Merin, alphamale is being both 'cocky' and 'funny'!


That's totally enough to submit to him and his degradation! Get ready for some very bad small-cocked sex! :p


hey man, i've been drinking...

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He caught his wife cheating. She told him that she only blew the guy.

So he said-so that's not cheating- getting blown?

She said no. (Or so the story goes)

So he is making her pay for her cheating everytime he gets blown.

I got in the middle of that, because he knows damn well I dont approve.

So he cheated on me by getting blown, not screwing. (or so he says)

Im not sure I believe a man would be with a woman without screwing her.


Even if I blow the guy he better give me what I need as well.


He said some women cum just s_cking d_ck. That is all they want to do.

I cant confirm that.



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How did I miss this?

Hell yes a blow job is cheating, just like pu**y licking is cheating if its not your partner!

Merin, great boobs sweetie, ;)

Alpha, our Ms. Merin is way outta your league! :p

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Originally posted by LiveLoveLaugh

How did I miss this?

Hell yes a blow job is cheating, just like pu**y licking is cheating if its not your partner!

Merin, great boobs sweetie, ;)

Alpha, our Ms. Merin is way outta your league! :p




Thank you Miss Thang ;)

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No, a BJ is definitely NOT...I REPEAT >>>>NOT CHEATING. It is not sex because sex only involves orifices which can be used to reproduce. Nothing more than a handshake really.........."I did not have sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.............." Hillary bought it.

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Originally posted by WillieClinton

No, a BJ is definitely NOT...I REPEAT >>>>NOT CHEATING. It is not sex because sex only involves orifices which can be used to reproduce. Nothing more than a handshake really.........."I did not have sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.............." Hillary bought it.


Good one Willy! LMAO!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Virtually anything in a sexual context is cheating. Flirtation with the intent of seeing where it goes, a kiss on the cheek that flushes the face, an embrace that lingers a moment too long... all of it is the same. Inappropriate attention given your involvement with another.


So yeah, needless to say, getting blown would be cheating. It's not a common interaction between casual acquaintences. And the context has no other interpretation.

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