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Alcohol is ruining my life

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I have to admit Im in the same boat as u and EG... time to face facts... Im now on 36 hours of not drinking and its not pleasant Im scared of what life willl be like without it Ive never known anything else, all my family are alcoholics so guess I have the gene... lost 2 relationships because of it... not to mention the embarrasment I have caused, the things Ive lost, the money Ive wasted and the damage Im doing to myself x


How did it get to this x

it is the way forward my friend you are going to be okay X

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I have to admit Im in the same boat as u and EG... time to face facts... Im now on 36 hours of not drinking and its not pleasant Im scared of what life willl be like without it Ive never known anything else, all my family are alcoholics so guess I have the gene... lost 2 relationships because of it... not to mention the embarrasment I have caused, the things Ive lost, the money Ive wasted and the damage Im doing to myself x


How did it get to this x


It only gets worse to get better


It will get better, you just have to be stronger than your addiction. Fight it back and find another healthy addiction.

Like going to the gym every night, that is a healthy addiction. Or try to watch series of TV shows that is also a fun addiction. The downside, is that I really don't want you to stay at home alone ..Try to avoid locations where there are booze or where you stay alone and might feel week...


So, my idea is every night you go to the gym for 3 hours there, return home really tired and soar to do anything but sleeping straight ahead.

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The good news is you dont have to live like that anymore. I have been sober for a number of years and the only thing that has ever worked for me has been aa. All the fear you speak of does not have to be for the rest of your life. You can become happily and usefully whole again you only have to surrender and face the fact that you cannot drink safely and you do not have control. This is a blessing my friend trust me. This realization is very powerful and wonderful, use it and go to a meeting you might find some answers or not, but its worth a try it was for me. God bless man and godspeed...

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I have been a binge drinker all my life (43).I can have 2 and stop but I drink to get drunk and can't stop.It has effected my life, lost relationships,embarrassed people etc etc.I got 3 DUI's lost my driving license for life.I have been to AA,addiction centres,and one on one counsel, and the only person who can help you is you.I just came off the worst drinking binge in my life this last week.I have an ex that triggers my urge to drink but I also use it as an excuse,which binge drinkers do.We got in an argument.I drank for 5 days straight no food just wake up drink until I puke then continue until passed out and in those drunken days texted and emailed my ex the most nasty insults to the point her friend called and said stop and my ex finally text and said its a final warning or the police will get involved.I was hung over for the last 5 days depressed,embarrassed,ashamed,suicidal and missing my ex and hating my life which is easy because I am unemployed and on assistance.I spent money that was not mine but didn't care plus my monthly allowance from the Gov't. I now have 11 bucks to last 27 days all because of a binge.I finally realized its not worth it anymore or I will be in my 50s alone in a room doing the same thing, binge by myself alone full of regret of a wasted life and wake up really hung over or still drunk and start drinking again.

I am not some loser bum I am a good looking guy,attract women and a former professional musician, bodybuilder, personal trainer from a good family, but alcohol has ended me in jail, homeless shelters and horrible situations of regret like passing out at a christmas dinner head on my plate of food in front of people only my dad knew.Throwing up on a manager at a work christmas party.Being at a my clients house with my girlfriend and falling down into a glass table and countless other embarrassing moments.I still chose not to stop, so death is really my only way if I dont choose to myself.So I am like you but am older and have done the recovery centres but the only person that can fix me is me, and its the old saying you have to want to stop.I hit rock bottom and stopped for a while but its the starting back up again that kills the sobriety.Good luck hope this post helped and I wish you well in trying to stop!!

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I have not told anyone this. My brother was an alcoholic all of his life. When he was sober he was my brother, when he was drunk he was Satan. He was let go from his job at age 56 and sat in his house for a year drinking while collecting unemployment. Unemployment ran out, he lost his house and ended up homeless on the streets. I tried helping him but he was so far gone. He started begging people for money, writing hot checks to get beer and cigarettes. He was arrested three times for sleeping in vacant homes. I knew things had gotten bad for him but I could not allow him to come live with me and my son. One day at work I got a call from the Sheriff's dept. He was found dead behind a dumpster. Cause of death - alcohol. I guess he just drank himself to death. He was my only remaining relative, my big brother, my son's uncle. He was too selfish to think of anyone but himself and my entire life all I remember is his drinking. Every photo I have of him - he's holding a beer. I had to have him cremated because I could not afford a funeral. I walked down to a little creek and spread his ashes in it. I pass that creek every day going to work.

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I have not told anyone this. My brother was an alcoholic all of his life. When he was sober he was my brother, when he was drunk he was Satan. He was let go from his job at age 56 and sat in his house for a year drinking while collecting unemployment. Unemployment ran out, he lost his house and ended up homeless on the streets. I tried helping him but he was so far gone. He started begging people for money, writing hot checks to get beer and cigarettes. He was arrested three times for sleeping in vacant homes. I knew things had gotten bad for him but I could not allow him to come live with me and my son. One day at work I got a call from the Sheriff's dept. He was found dead behind a dumpster. Cause of death - alcohol. I guess he just drank himself to death. He was my only remaining relative, my big brother, my son's uncle. He was too selfish to think of anyone but himself and my entire life all I remember is his drinking. Every photo I have of him - he's holding a beer. I had to have him cremated because I could not afford a funeral. I walked down to a little creek and spread his ashes in it. I pass that creek every day going to work.


Sadly, death is some people rock bottom.I had 2 friends like that mid 30's very sad

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Don't get too tied up in terminology that you miss the point. Binge drinking even once can destroy your life because you can make a decision that can take your life, alienate someone you love, hurt someone you love or make you do something morally or ethically wrong. You are an alcoholic if alcohol has been a negative more than a few times. I know you are feeling shame, but the only shame would be if you lived your life trying to prove to yourself that you aren't an alcoholic so you keep drinking, As it only takes one binge to destroy a relationship or to get a DWI.

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