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Do I wish her a happy birthday?

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This past November this girl in town followed me on twitter. She privately messaged me asking to talk. Her boyfriend of 7 months just broke up with her and she was feeling suicidal. Being in that position before (but with no one to help) I wanted to help because it is a difficult thing to go through. For about a month we got to know each other pretty well, talking almost nonstop. Then I start getting feelings for her and she finds out. Then our friendship turns one-sided and she starts treating me like a doormat. We got into a few arguments and she would just walk all over me, because she can never be wrong. She always made excuses for her actions and would never apologize. Anyways, after leading me on for another month she tells me she doesn’t like me anymore and a few days later she is talking to a guy, that she lied about, about getting into a relationship. She refused to talk to me for a week and met up Saturday night to talk. She basically laughed in my face when I expressed my feelings and was too busy texting when I tried talking to her. Then she asked what I want to do. I told her that want to date her and she just brushed it off and turned the whole thing into us just staying friends. She asked if we could just “hug it out” and forget what happened in the past. Well, I’m still really hurt. I feel betrayed and worthless. I don’t know why I even still have feelings for this girl after she sucked out all my happiness. I wish I didn’t. Anyways, we text a little Saturday night and the conversation dried up quickly because she never asks me anything and I wasn’t going to look like a fool continuing it. Like I said, one-sided. I didn’t text her at all yesterday.


My question is, do I wish her happy birthday this week or just ignore her completely from now on?

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I recommend that you go online and search for your sexual fantasy, whatever that may be. Do your business and then think about this girl. Think, "Wow, at this specific moment in time, do I really care about this air-headed brat?"


If you're anything like me, you'll laugh and delete her number from your phone (to avoid temptation) before the tension builds anew. But that's just me. That's what I would do as of right now if I were in your shoes. If you enjoy your place in front of the door then by all means keep playing her crazy, demented, and childish games.

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Walk away & don't look back....oh, and when she begins playing on your sympathies, don't believe it. As a matter of fact, block her calls & messages (or if thats not possible, delete without reading them). Don't concern yourself about her being suicidal; she's much too self-involved for that to be an option.


Now go find someone who deserves and appreciates your kindness.

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If you still feel betrayed & worthless why would you go out of your way to show her this kindness? She won't return the favor.

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@ OP.....


As yourself this....."what has she done for me lately"? If the answer is nowt..then you have your answer

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She has treated you like shi.t on and off for a while now and you're wondering if you should say HBD to her? No way. Don't do it!

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Thorgs I have nothing more to add other than her birthday would be a good time to move on. Have an adult beverage on your own in her honor and to celebrate not getting trapped. I believe it will be cleansing for you.

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You are both right as well. I thought I was in the clear and she just text me, "yo what's up?"


Why do they have to remind us that they exist?!

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Why do they have to remind us that they exist?!


These are called 'breadcrumbs'. They are actually mean and selfish and as you point out, they are intended to keep them in your mind rather than the fact that you are on their mind.


Here is a pretty good discussion from about a year ago:



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Thanks imtooconfused for that link. I deleted her text, not worth being sad over when I did nothing wrong in the first place to deserve this treatment.

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Here's a lil update. Thursday morning (her birthday) on my way to work she pulled out right in front of me. Didn't wave. Didn't wish her a happy birthday at all. Last night, Saturday, she text me at 2:30am, "Hey E***". Ignored it and deleted it.


Why even text someone that late? She must have been drinking and had no friends to talk to. Lame breadcrumbs. I bet if I called her out on it she would say she was 'sleep texting'.


On the plus side, I went out on a date Friday night and had a good time. The best part is, I had no plans of going out this weekend and I got a random text from a girl last minute that befriended me on Match. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Ugh, I liked her Tinder profile back at the beginning of December when things were great between us. I was relaxing at home at the end of last week and I get a notification on my phone saying I have a new Tinder match. Yep, it's her! I haven't talked to her since February 1st. It's starting to be...hurtful I guess, because I know I mean nothing to her but she keeps popping up. I know I'm looking too much into this because if she really did want me in her life she would do something or say something to prove it. Stupid breadcrumbs /: The worst part is, she's constantly running through my mind even though I'm staying busy and I probably haven't stepped foot into her's once.

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You were her life belt during her dark times, she got what she needed ( an ego boost ) and left. She used you for emotional support. Block her on everything and don't look back she doesn't deserve to be on your mind all the time.

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You're right, David. Ugh, she just started following me on Twitter again. Her loss really because she'll see that I'm doing fine without her. More breadcrumbs I guess. It's funny how the tables turn when you start treating someone the way they treated you.


Honestly, I miss the nice and caring her, but what I don't miss is how she treated me towards the end.

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