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Impossible Meeting!

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right so i have been with this girl for over a year and i decided im going to go see her in june, this would be the first time meeting her due to costs, we skype all the time and text and all the other stuff awe really love each other, the time has come where ive set a date to meet her and as we were disucssing all this stuff, i was wondering how we were actually going to do it, i live in the UK And she lives in Leander, TX. and that area is pretty much empty, she doesnt have no taxis, no buses, and she donest drive so its pretty impossible to meet her and we both really want this. any suggestions? :( the only thing i can think of is hiring a car and paying visits, i will be staying in a hotel that takes around 1 hour away from her home so i need help :(

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There has to be a closer hotel / motel / bed & breakfast to her house.



In the states, renting a car is more common then in UK / Europe. Can you drive on our side of the road?



If finances allow, perhaps you can get two rooms in a bigger city like Dallas, Houston or Austin if you want to take advantage of mass transit.

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Leander near Austin? There are several hotels & motels:

Comfort Inn, Best Western, La Quinta Inn, Holiday Inn, Candlewood Suites, Motel 6 are all 4 or 5 miles from Leander. Among those, I'd pick the Holiday Inn.


How long would you be with her? Because if you have like a week, you could very well stay in her town for a couple of days, and if things are fine, you could drive to San Antonio (a 1.5 hour drive or so) and spend 3 days there, downtown and then go back to her town.

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Thats Not A Bad Idea Getting A Hotel Close But Its Still The Transport And No I Have Never Been America So Driving On The OTHER Side Of The Road Would Be Kinda New To Me And Also Confusing, And I Will Be There For Around 3 Weeks With Her

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Driving On The OTHER Side Of The Road Would Be Kinda New To Me And Also Confusing

Not as confusing as one might think before doing it...my husband had no problem when we visited a country with traffic flowing "the other way".


justwhoiam seems to have offered you multiple good options. Enjoy your trip. I hope everything goes really well!

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First, kudos to the mini travel agent! Loved the resources and suggestions you made to the OP.


OP , we are actually pretty civilized in texas and have taxis , bus's, railroad, and yes even scooter rentals! And yes they do service her town. The logistics may seem overwhelming if you never been to texas area. Its a big state!! Ask your lady if she has a local tourism bureau, they often can help with the recommendations. Overall consider this an adventure in learning her area and how important it is to meet. It will be worth it! Best to you.

Edited by Tayla
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Thats Not A Bad Idea Getting A Hotel Close But Its Still The Transport And No I Have Never Been America So Driving On The OTHER Side Of The Road Would Be Kinda New To Me And Also Confusing, And I Will Be There For Around 3 Weeks With Her

I bumped into something you might find interesting: Best option for a day trip from Austin to San Antonio? - sanantonio travel greyhound | Ask MetaFilter


You can take a taxi from your hotel to the bus or whatever, or maybe she has some family member/relative or friend willing to take you both there. Then you leave for San Antonio and there's quite a lot there. Plenty to do day & night. When you're done exploring the place, you can have some trip out of San Antonio (there are some cool ranches, and travel agencies take tourists wherever on day trips and lots more). In San Antonio, I suggest you take a carriage at night, near the Alamo and take the boat on the river at night, quite fun and romantic too.


Bonus: plan ahead, be in charge even if you don't know the place, and if anything doesn't go your way, don't freak out and take it with a smile on your face: you'll have lots of nice memories anyway! She'll learn a lot about you based on how you handle things...

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right so i have been with this girl for over a year and i decided im going to go see her in june, this would be the first time meeting her due to costs, we skype all the time and text and all the other stuff awe really love each other, the time has come where ive set a date to meet her and as we were disucssing all this stuff, i was wondering how we were actually going to do it, i live in the UK And she lives in Leander, TX. and that area is pretty much empty, she doesnt have no taxis, no buses, and she donest drive so its pretty impossible to meet her and we both really want this. any suggestions? :( the only thing i can think of is hiring a car and paying visits, i will be staying in a hotel that takes around 1 hour away from her home so i need help :(


Why would you think this? This all sounds like a red flag. How could you not know there are motels, etc. Do you not have Google? If she told you this then she is stringing you along.

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She Lives On Long Hollow Trail Which Is A Pretty Long And Empty Road, She doesnt go out much she spends most her time inside, were both 18 and well.. i just wanted your guys ideas, thanks, and i did know there were motels and hotels but it would be a kind of long walk to where she lives

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Be aware that it is going to be very expensive and difficult for you to rent a car in the U.S. since you are under 25. Are you planning on staying in a hotel for three weeks?

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She Lives On Long Hollow Trail Which Is A Pretty Long And Empty Road, She doesnt go out much she spends most her time inside, were both 18 and well.. i just wanted your guys ideas, thanks, and i did know there were motels and hotels but it would be a kind of long walk to where she lives


Well, it would be a heck of a longer walk if you were staying an hour away instead of right in her town, wouldn't it?


Are her parents aware that you are coming over for a visit? Do they know you are staying for three weeks?


Or is this something your g/f hasn't told them about? Why isn't your g/f doing more to help you arrange/sort through logistics?





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Yeah I Will Be Staying In A Hotel For 3 Weeks And I Checked The Rate Its $408 For 1,400 Miles. For 18 Year Old. Also Her Parents Dont Know As Their The Type That Dont Allow Boyfriends, She's More Close To Her Dad Than Mom And Well... Dads Are Protective So She Plans On Introducing Me To Them When I Come

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You bought a plane ticket and are going to stay in hotels for 3 weeks. Why fussing over 5 bucks back & forth her home and your hotel? Also, I assume she will take a taxi and come to you, at least that. It doesn't need much effort. Or let her give you a bike. What's wrong with you youngies??

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Yeah I Will Be Staying In A Hotel For 3 Weeks And I Checked The Rate Its $408 For 1,400 Miles. For 18 Year Old. Also Her Parents Dont Know As Their The Type That Dont Allow Boyfriends, She's More Close To Her Dad Than Mom And Well... Dads Are Protective So She Plans On Introducing Me To Them When I Come


$408 for a three week car rental for an 18 year old? Are you sure about that price? That does not sound realistic to me.


So, her parents don't allow boyfriends and you are going to fly across the ocean to see her for three weeks? Eek. She should at least warn them you are coming before you come all this way. Otherwise you may find yourself coming all this way and not being able to see her.


Is she planning to show you around at all while you are there? Three weeks is a really long time to be staying in the middle of nowhere. Maybe she can plan some trips to Austin or Dallas?

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Im Not Fussing Over 5 Bucks Im Just Trying To Find A Way To Go See Her Daily Without Having To Wait On Anything, And Yeah She Is Planning To Show Me Around And Go Different Cities,

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Oh boy . . . . . forget the logistics. That's the easy part although I agree with you that $408 for a car rental for 3 weeks sounds much too low. Even if you get the extremely low daily rate of around $30 per day, you are still looking at over $600 before you pay for the insurance. The rate you mention is $19 per day (before taxes & insurance) but they don't usually give drivers under 25 that rate.



I am waaay more concerned that her parents don't know you are coming. Don't book a thing until that gets resolved. A strict Texas father of an 18 year old girl is not going to take kindly to a boy from another country on the other side of the world who shows up on his doorstep & announces he's here for 3 weeks, staying in a motel & has been "dating" his daughter on line for the past several months. You are likely to get the door slammed in your face (or worse) be stuck in a motel alone for your 3 weeks.



She needs to tell mom & dad that you exist. You need to speak to them on the phone. If you two Skype, they need to interact with you that way too. If you handle this right, her parents will be a great resource for you. Screw this up & p1ss them off, you will be sitting alone in a motel.

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yeah i agree with you thanks for the tip, im just really nervous because like her mom and dad dont speak much english, their hispanic so they mainly speak spanish and i have no knowledge of spanish... maybe she can translate for me?

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Im Not Fussing Over 5 Bucks Im Just Trying To Find A Way To Go See Her Daily Without Having To Wait On Anything, And Yeah She Is Planning To Show Me Around And Go Different Cities,


How is that going to happen when she doesn't drive, never goes out much, and her parents keep an eye on her like a hawk?


Sorry, but I agree with a number of the other posters. IF this girl isn't a Catfish, there's a big chance you're going to be spending three weeks in a motel room by yourself in the middle of nowhere where you know no one. Why in heck would you want to do that?


BTW, not to add to your list of worries, but do you have a credit card? Many places, including motels/hotels/car rental agencies won't accept cash and/or if they will, they often require you to have a credit card that is used as collateral in the event you run up a big bill, have a car accident, or one is simply required as another form of identification as a matter of policy.


If you don't have one, it's possible you'll be in even a worse position -- unable to do anything or stay anywhere -- FOR THREE WHOLE WEEKS. What are you going to do then?


If it's possible for you to cancel your airline reservation or make a change in your arrival/departure date for your own sake, I think you need to re-think your original plans.




Edited by TMichaels
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yeah i agree with you thanks for the tip, im just really nervous because like her mom and dad dont speak much english, their hispanic so they mainly speak spanish and i have no knowledge of spanish... maybe she can translate for me?

Sounds like they are illegals. If there are relatives or friends in Mexico, she could stay with them while you stay at a hotel nearby. A lot cheaper in Mexico and her parents may not find out.

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How is that going to happen when she doesn't drive, never goes out much, and her parents keep an eye on her like a hawk?


Sorry, but I agree with a number of the other posters. IF this girl isn't a Catfish, there's a big chance you're going to be spending three weeks in a motel room by yourself in the middle of nowhere where you know no one. Why in heck would you want to do that?


BTW, not to add to your list of worries, but do you have a credit card? Many places, including motels/hotels/car rental agencies won't accept cash and/or if they will, they often require you to have a credit card that is used as collateral in the event you run up a big bill, have a car accident, or one is simply required as another form of identification as a matter of policy.


If you don't have one, it's possible you'll be in even a worse position -- unable to do anything or stay anywhere -- FOR THREE WHOLE WEEKS. What are you going to do then?


If it's possible for you to cancel your airline reservation or make a change in your arrival/departure date for your own sake, I think you need to re-think your original plans.





I Said in the comments before i will be renting a car out, i know how to drive so all she needs to do is sit in the passenger seat, she doesnt have to drive in order to go out, and she doesnt go out because she lives in an empty area where her friends dont live near by... and yeah i do have a credit card all my payments will be made with credit card


and their not illegals they are US Citizens, they do know how to speak english but not good of it

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The language cultural barrier is going to make this worse, not better. Yes, she will have to translate for you but she must tell her folks about you.



If she doesn't drive, you are going to have one more expense: a GPS. You may be able to get one on your phone or you can rent one with the car. Here's the thing about non-drivers: the usually make lousy navigators.



I know we're being wet blankets here, but if you address the concerns before you spend a ton of money, you will have a better time.

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I would strongly encourage you to call and talk to someone at whatever car rental place you are planning to use to confirm your $408 rate, because I'm telling you $408 for three weeks for an 18 year old is outlandishly low. You mentioned 1400 miles also, and I've never heard of a car rental company renting by the mile. It's typically by the day.


Typically the extra fees for renters aged 21-24 is around $25 a day (in addition to the rental rate), and it is even higher for the few car rental companies out there who will rent to an 18 year old. (Very few will rent to an 18 year old.) $408 for 21 days is only around $20 a day, which doesn't even cover the normal extra charges, not to mention the car rental fee itself.


Are you using a big chain car rental or a small local outfit? I could see the latter being cheaper, but your rate still seems really low. I just would hate to see you get there and find out that you are not able to rent a car as you had hoped.


I also agree with the other posters that if I were you, I would not get on a plane and fly all this way until your girlfriend tells her parents you are coming and you have Skyped with them so they can meet you and you get their approval to see their daughter during your three week trip. This trip is going to cost you a ton of money, so I would hate to see it wasted.

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Everyone here's doubting you can rent a car & drive it. The major rental car agencies will let you make your reservation from your own country. I did that myself more than once. You'll have to give details before departure:

driving license number

your age or birth date

name & age of the driver

credit card details


If anything in those data is wrong, you will know well in advance and will be able to plan differently. You don't want to find yourself at the airport and not being able to rent your car last second.


Anyway, I think you're both being very naive:

1) She wants to tell her parents about you only when you're there

2) Is she studying? Working? How is she taking time off?

3) Is she allowed to sleep away from home? With some stranger??

4) The fact that she didn't tell her parents makes me think she doesn't have a good relationship with them, which then leads me to think she won't be allowed to sleep around

5) You didn't think of any of this.

6) You want to go there to her house! Why can't she come to your hotel? Does she have money for a taxi? For meals? Or you'll find yourself paying twice for everything.

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Its Longhorn Car & Truck Rental, Ford Focus, No She Has Money, I Wont Be Paying For Everything, And I Do Have A GPS On My Phone So I'll Save Money On That, I Also Adressed The Situation About Her Parents And She Told me She'll Definately Tell Them About Me Before I Book My Ticket So We Can Take It from There.

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Its Longhorn Car & Truck Rental, Ford Focus, No She Has Money, I Wont Be Paying For Everything, And I Do Have A GPS On My Phone So I'll Save Money On That, I Also Adressed The Situation About Her Parents And She Told me She'll Definately Tell Them About Me Before I Book My Ticket So We Can Take It from There.



OK. Those are positive things.



I'd do a search of the better business bureau or tripadvisor or someplace to make sure this LongHorn rental place is on the up & up. Again, better safe then sorry.

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