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Leaving little "greetings" in someone's profile

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There is this one guy that has built up quite a "Tom Cat" reputation in the Meetup.


I don't know if you recall Meetup has some of the similarities of Facebook as where you can leave "comments" or in Meetup's case "Greetings".


This guy has a tendency to leave little "quips" or "welcome messages" trying to get his way in the door before running into them at the MEetups, but this kind of thing is seen by everyone else.


Male firend of mine expresses how desperate that comes off when you attempt to "flirt" publicly ona profile while everyone can see it, so he chooses to just converse with the ladies when he sees them at the events.


But I was wondering, is it only creepy if it's coming from a guy they aren't attracted to? Because this guy "gets around" so obviously he's handsome enough to get away with it?

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