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Did it ever concern you if the MW had kids? Did you ever think abt how it might impact them if your A with MW came out? Or was it another thing abt her tht you just blocked out?

OW , plz do chime in too but sometimes I feel that women are more emotional and maternal anyways , so they must think abt MM kids.. Did u?

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While not single, xmw had a daughter as well and to be honest I never thought We'd get caught so I didn't think of the impact. One day her daughter told me she loved me and I think that scared the crap out of xmw, maybe brought the consequences to light for her

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Did it ever concern you if the MW had kids? Did you ever think abt how it might impact them if your A with MW came out?


IME, I knew she had a daughter before I knew she was a MW so didn't really give it much thought. We were all pretty young and her daughter was a toddler at that time. Never really gave the 'came out' much thought at that time. I think it was on my mind more 20-something years later when interacting with her daughter as an adult, which I did. Interestingly, her daughter never knew it AFAIK but she saw me a few times as a child because my first LTR, purely coincidently (shocking surprise to me), was with the daughter's best friend's mother! :D


My main thought process back then, now discounted as the ignorance of youth, was father was a drunken dick and didn't deserve such a cute kid. The power of MW was strong :) Since I had 20+ years to modify that perspective and see the man he really was, you can imagine where it went. You know what they say about truth being 'in the middle'. Yup.


TBH, most of the MW's I've interacted with, at any level, have kept their children stuff pretty private. Of course, nowadays, the kids are all adults and have their own kids so it's really irrelevant but I'm thinking back 25-30 years.

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My XMM and I talkdd about our kids a lot. When i knew they were sick id ask him how they were doing. And vice versa. We were both very much about our kids, so that was the main reason i broke it off with him. Eventually i started thinking i did not want innocent childrens lives to be broken up because of me. So i ended it. I would have loved him children as my own and vicd versa. We both adored our kids and talked about them all the time.

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I left the thinking about one's children to said parents. Why would I wonder about them more than the parent about aftermath of the affair?


In regards to general thoughts, yes I acknowledged his kids, asked about them, etc. like I would anyone else. But I did not presume to parent them directly or indirectly.


Same thought process now as a step parent. I follow the decisions of their parents, bring forward any issues/concerns to my husband and let him work them out with his ex wife. I will bring up concerns but that is it.

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Did it ever concern you if the MW had kids? Did you ever think abt how it might impact them if your A with MW came out? Or was it another thing abt her tht you just blocked out?

OW , plz do chime in too but sometimes I feel that women are more emotional and maternal anyways , so they must think abt MM kids.. Did u?


Can't say I am concerned at all. We both know each other's kids, and have the whole time.

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There were no kids involved in my situation but i do think it would have made a difference. Im not a MOM or a MOM with kids and she didnt have any kids either. Im not justifying my actions in anyway but it seemed more like i was getting in the way of a couple rather then a family. If she had kids i would have looked at it from a perspective of possibly breaking up a family and i think that would have affected my decision to pursue the affair and it would have def affected how far i wanted to take it.

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