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I think he likes me..would you think a guy likes you if this happens

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I have been talking to this guy for a while. We have kissed before when drunk. We don't see each other much but when we see each other we get on great. We talk online all the time..


He always talks about the time we kissed when we see eachother and says it was weird but there was something about me that time.


So I saw him the other night and he pmed me the next day and asking me how I was..I said it was good to see him and he said it was good seeing me too..then he said I owe u a drink and I sAid yes I know I remember..and smiley face.


Is he just friendly or interested??

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Well it was his birthday last week and he invited me to celebrate. I went And he asked me to kiss so we did. Then I met a close friend of his and she told me he likes me and likes how we can talk about anything and he wants a girlfriend..she told me how nice he is and how he will do anything for his friends.


He started to freak out and get upset at her for talking to me. So I told him I need to talk to him and he told me he likes me. I told him I like him too. And he didn't want me to leave. So he said he wants to see me more and took me on a date at a nice restaurant. He told me he never took a girl out like that before. And he's not used to girls liking him back.


During the date he was planning things we can do together in a few months time. And asking when he can see me again.


I feel sad thinking about him with anyone else. I hate the thought.



I don't want to be with anyone else. Are these all good signs??

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