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Does he like me more than a friend?

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okay, there is this guy who I have been friends with for like 3 months now, and Im begining to think he wants us to be more than friends but im not sure.

We met through a friend, and at the time I had a boyfriend, however not anymore. Pretty much since then he has been texting me nearly everyday and always wants to meet up. Ive noticed when we're together, he often tries to touch me a lot, I mean not in a sexual way, but like poke me, nudge me playfully and stuff like that :p

Anyway, as im only a year in Germany as an Au pair, and I mentioned that I wanted to go to Paris one day, he said that he would drive me there before I leave. I didnt know what to say, I mean a friend would do that right?

I dont know if someone could maybe help me figure things out with him, because I know I have feelings for him, and I just want to make sure they are the same, before I initiate anything :D

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Secret Advisor

He likes you. You don't have to initiate anything. Everything that he has done so far can be considered as "initiating". If you like him, all you have to do is respond.

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Great thanks :D how can you be so sure ? I hope your right :3


I agree that this guy clearly likes you. I can tell you that us guys like to do things for the ladies we like. Such as driving them places and lots of other stuff. We aren't so subtle in our desires. If you like him back, NOW is your chance. ;)

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