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Today I feel awesome

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Been about 2 weeks no contact, no fb checking no nothing. Even blocked his new chick to avoid checking. Did not block him though, but really I am stronger than him I don't need to block him to get over him, unlike him being the coward he is blocked me and needed to fall in love with someone else...talk about weak.


So been single, still single, technically 1 year 1 month now with a bit of random fwb sh** what a mistake and his fake 'I do care bout you' crap.


Not really angry, just don't hold any positive connections with him because of the way he treated me post break-up- much like how you don't hold any positive connections to thinking about I don't know syringes. His delusional thoughts that we could be friends and his insane thoughts that I would actually...LMAO ...like her... LOL! Seriously does he really think I would like the chick that f***ing ruined my year, does he really think that I would get along with a person who is totally the opposite of me to the point it sickens me. NO I don't get along with her fluffy cutesy type. The only thing we have in common is him, well was him - so nothing. He even had the audacity to say that she is sensitive to my situation...HOW?! F*** as if she knows what hell I went through.


Really hope he doesn't contact me I think I'll be p***ed if he does. Especially cause I'm doing well and I'm getting some interest in the guy department. Nothing too serious at the moment, and not that I'm actually out looking but it's always nice to get some attention. :) Even if it turns out to be friendzone. I definitely need more and better friends.


Actually had a day of sort of getting my appetite back. Yay I'm eating again, so not to worry about it developing into an eating disorder but then again still 0.2 off from my BMI being underweight... oops! Guess I'll have to indulge myself a bit ;)


So V. Day's coming up not that it was anything special before anyway. Celebrated what once? Our first one. Other subsequent was just cards then him forgetting. Just a card was nice. He always forgets about occasions made me feel like I didn't matter. Guess I didn't. This year instead of moping about like last year I'm going to celebrate for me, because I love me as crazy as that sounds, not in a narcissistic way but in a way that I wish to concentrate on me and take care of me. :) Hope all the single people out there do the same. Not to get into the V' day craziness but to do something for yourself whether it be a nice meal, some chocolates, some nice clothes, a holiday. Why not? You deserve it x

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