Yasuandio Posted February 8, 2014 Share Posted February 8, 2014 today I am frightened. Made mistakes last night. I'm so confused with this post divorce legal mess. Of those that don't know, I had to fire my attorney - she lied and tricked me (to screw me out of one of my large awards). Therefore, I have no attorney now, post divorce. My former ATTOREY made some huge mistakes that got the attention of the Bar association. During Court mediation on the large award she cheated me on, her attorney tried to bribe me to drop bar complaints and she would drop her enormous fees. The investigator from Bar told me "Don't Do It" 3 times. I knew myself it was wrong and did not take the bribe. They tried everythig, co-ersion, dis-information (that is why the investigator was on the phone. They tried to scare me that the Bar was going to put me throu a trial, interrogatories, questioning, etc, and I would not be able to afford an attorney. The investigator clarified that was false information). The mediator even threatened that she could take my alimony. Anyway, - I goofed up my work response for the Bar due to my sense of perfectionism, and being in mania since that so-called mediation. My work product was over 100 pages long. The feedback I got was the committee couldn't handle the research based materials and depth -and just thru up their hand, and let her off. God, I could have walked away with my fees paid, the liens off the homes, etc. Now, every month, just like today (as alimony is typically late), I have to wonder, is she going to retaliate and put a lien on my alimony? Oh, yes she can! It was re-submitted in "1 and 1/2 pages" (per investigators orders), 3 months ago - but I've heard nothing. Investigator told me once it was a good sign cause these matter are usually handled quickly. But he doesn't respond of late. It is when I hear nothing, and my email inquiry is ignored, as well as the other problems I told you about on my "Wake Up" thread regarding the harassment from my former husband's attorney (containing untrue allogations), that I start getting back sick again, and paranoid. I was up all night. I know I'm manic right now, meds are not working. Fear paranoia mistakes, trump meds. Here is a mistake I made. My former divorce attorney was in great error by sending files back to me that contained my private psychiatric records. A Concent to Confidential Order stated that the indetpent medical exam by the forensic psychiatrist (his hand-written note and test), and my personal psychiast's notes would be destroyed after trial. And at no time would I, my husband see these records, only attorneys and Judge. I have discovered that showing a patient psychiatric notes is a violation of HIPPA regulations. There are other things in the files I should not have. But the most damaging to me, was to see those notes and tests -- I was mortified. And I was shocked at how my personal psychiatrist perceived me. I totally lost it in his office. Last night, I had it in my head that the paralegal must have got those files to me to so as to help me. That is what I was believing in my head. She was always nice to me, and made a strange statement to me: "I have an intimate relationship with your file.". So last night -- I texted her some photos of my art, like I had done one time before. And stated "Thank you for the files.". When I didn't hear anything back, I panicked. And texted again an explanplanation - that I didn't mean to be threatening, I thought that comment she stated to me was an indication she was on my side - and I apologized. I gave her a photo of the medical files and told her why I'm so mixed up and upset. Then I just stopped. I'm totally afraid the law office will get a court order to take these files away from me. Now my idea is to contact the media, so the files are protected. HELP ME PLEASE. I'm really scared. I am afraid too that leaving that photo as I did is sort of like extortion when I didn't mean it to be. Maybe I'll get arrested. I am frieghtened of this too. The art pictures I sent the paralegal were freaky, but she had already liked one I had sent a year ago, and stated "to keep her posted." This morning, someone rang the bell. No car in driveway. Dogs barked, but I his away. Then the person banged and rattled the door hard. I got a slight glance. Build was husband exactly. Color (my eye is tuned perfectly to color) and style of sweater I recognize as husband's. But could have been anyone. I saw no face, skin or body movements to analyze. I don't want to get myself in jail. I need some help. I am overwhelmed. Lost my tenant, finances are really tight. Basically broke for awhile. But -- a new tenant will make it all go away, so gotta keep my chin up. If I hide and keep it dark in the house can the police knock the door down with a search warrant for those records? Maybe I should copy over the text I wrote like PBJS did. It is much shorter. This post divorce stuff is not good for mentally disabled people. Guys, what do you think? Please - just give me the straight scoop. I can take it like a man. Yas Link to post Share on other sites
hinatticus Posted February 8, 2014 Share Posted February 8, 2014 Wow. I've never seen you like this. What would you say to this post? Link to post Share on other sites
Shocked Suzie Posted February 8, 2014 Share Posted February 8, 2014 I think you are in a whirlwind, think you are overwhelmed and think this had all been going on far too long that it is having a huge impact on 'YOU' ... I think that all the money in the world, a divorce battle, his behaviour is not worth the stress...I think where ever/however you can let go/drop/stop any of this! It needs to be done right now. I don't fully understand your situation, but I know a few things... It's gone far enough and it'll make you Ill ... NOTHING is worth that... All this has to stop. SS x Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 8, 2014 Author Share Posted February 8, 2014 Right now I'm worried about my own conduct. Stress really aggravates the weird bi-polar symptoms. And then I do dumb things. I really need my own attorney - but I'm too messes up to handle that. It will take me some time to recover after last weeks drama - none of my making, but partly why I'm getting in a manic episode. You can it's coming on LS, I post a lot and make suggestive comments. So far today I slept. No more knocks on door. I'm pretty sure it was him - angry, that his letter made him look like an idiot, and I exposed that he was in collections to his attorney. I also warned his attorney not to harass me again for nothing, as I am not well, he knows that from expert testimony. I wouldn't be surprised if his attorney fired him. And that made hum lose control and ring my bell, the knock really hard, twice, like banging, on my door. Dogs and me were scared. Who else acts like that in this nice neighborhood? No one. Never did anything ever like that happen. I thought it was the Sheriff. God. What about the photo of the medical records I sent to the paralegal? Was that illegal? Link to post Share on other sites
tojaz Posted February 8, 2014 Share Posted February 8, 2014 I don't see anything illegal here Yas. A strange chain of events for sue, but not illegal. As long as you didn't request the files, coerce anyone to get you the files, steal them etc. then it is nothing more then an error on the part of someone else. Clerical error, misguided act of kindness, who knows?Regardless you did nothing wrong, relax on that one. Same for the knock at the door, until you know otherwise, just let it be what it was... a guy in a sweater knocking at your door. Could have been husband or a vacuum salesman with a similar taste in clothes. Regardless which it was, they received the appropriate response. TOJAZ 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Steen719 Posted February 9, 2014 Share Posted February 9, 2014 Yas, I love you like mad, so don't get mad at me, OK? Please call and get your meds changed. Some of your panic is the mania and I really think once you are on an even keel, you won't be so panicked about this. I agree with Tojaz. I don't see a single thing you did wrong. Answer your door just when you want to. I do! If I don't know who is out there, too bad. They can call me if they need me. Women alone have to take care of themselves and if you don't know who is out there, it can be scary. I still worry about the ungrateful bast**d coming over unannounced, as he has in the past. I believe you are OK and you will feel better once new meds help you even out. Do it soon, OK? Come on here and post when you are feeling manic and since so many of us are crazy about you, someone will answer you. {{{Great big HUGS your way}}} Chris 3 Link to post Share on other sites
2sunny Posted February 9, 2014 Share Posted February 9, 2014 I'd suggest any papers need to be taken out of your home and placed in a safe location where no one else will access them. Don't answer your door unless someone has allowed you to understand ahead of time that they are coming by. Go to the courthouse and ask for guidance from the help desk - often, they will guide you one step at a time so you don't get overwhelmed. If needed, they may have suggestions for good attorneys. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 9, 2014 Author Share Posted February 9, 2014 (edited) Good to see you Tojaz! Here is exactly what I texted. (remember, I am at war with this firm). Is this extortion? Did I commit extortion or blackmail or the suggestion of intent to do so? Should I see a criminal attorney? I'm totally broke. But should I be prepared to get bailed out of jail? Tojaz, all u guys, -- gimme the straight scoop. I need have meds. I am missing two. I have to leave the house tomorrow to get the meds. fist couple texts: 1st - pix of weird art 2nd -pix of weird art + comment "Thanks for the files." ________________________ (Then, when I heard nothing, I though I better explain that cryptic messing and proceed to OVERDO it) _________________________ ACTUAL PHOTO OF MEDICAL RECORDS Hon, u said u were intimately acquainted with my files, I was assuming u were in charge of what went out. Perhaps you were not. I did not know. There are inappropriate things in the files. Im sure it is not your fault. I just don't understand what is going on. And the files have caused me a lot of trama, although, I needed to know they were not properly handled. Sorry, so very sorry, if I upset you. My Name Text B This is what has had me out of my mind for months now. *I'm conflicted about whether I should have read it or not. *I think the Consent to Confidentiality Order should have been followed in the end game. *But if it was to be put in my hands again, I would read it, and be messed up by it. *Some things, like a psychiatrist's private notes, are not meant for the patient to see. *Even HIPPA has a law regarding that. *I guess I broke that law. *But when I saw the envelope, I didn't really know what was inside. *I was also really freaked out by Dr. Abc'd notes. *I had to write an apology for my behavior at his office. *Going to see Dr. Abc used to be like Sunday School to me. *I would dress to the nines, anything to try to convince him I didn't have this bi-polar. *I hate the stigma of this disease. Following the scene I made after reading those Dr. Abc'd private records, it will take a very long time to redeem myself! *I just dress normally when I go there. *Everything is messed up. *I don't feel like reaching for the sky. Text C) I'm so sad, so ashamed, so overwhelmed. Her That is all I will write, Name. Edited February 9, 2014 by Yasuandio Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 9, 2014 Author Share Posted February 9, 2014 Yas, I love you like mad, so don't get mad at me, OK? Please call and get your meds changed. Some of your panic is the mania and I really think once you are on an even keel, you won't be so panicked about this. I agree with Tojaz. I don't see a single thing you did wrong. Answer your door just when you want to. I do! If I don't know who is out there, too bad. They can call me if they need me. Women alone have to take care of themselves and if you don't know who is out there, it can be scary. I still worry about the ungrateful bast**d coming over unannounced, as he has in the past. I believe you are OK and you will feel better once new meds help you even out. Do it soon, OK? Come on here and post when you are feeling manic and since so many of us are crazy about you, someone will answer you. {{{Great big HUGS your way}}} Chris Thank you Hon. Yes, I'm losing it. Afraid to leave the house to get new medicine. Saw doctor Wednesday. He thought I looked good. Proud of me for how I handled everything - but he made changes. I just got letter reconsideration denied with Bar. Well fine. Now I know system I do it right this time. Took the guy 3 months to make up his mind, tough decision. Evidence ANC clarity is missing on my end. I needed to be more focused on single points - it got to broad and out of hand. I wrote an email to a selective top neglegence attorney begging her to take my case. My with my credentials and good history - I will to her. Mentally I'll people often get run over in the legal system. Yes yes yes. Manic and big time paranoid. I know it was him at the door. It was loud bang hit the door bang bang, after the bell. He's mad. It is good to know you guys are there for me. Thanks Steen! Yas Link to post Share on other sites
Allumere Posted February 9, 2014 Share Posted February 9, 2014 Sorry you are in a whirlwind now Yas. I don't know the whole story but picked up on the bi-polar so understand pounding stressors are a trigger. Hmmmm...do ya have someone that can go with ya tomorrow to get your meds? That way maybe it wouldn't seem so daunting and would be something you could move off your stress plate. Link to post Share on other sites
trippi1432 Posted February 9, 2014 Share Posted February 9, 2014 Yas....you didn't do anything wrong, you have a right to inquire about your legal file with your attorney and you have a right to what information is made available in court. Your medical information should be private to you and only allowed privy to those you agree to let it be known to. Did your attorney mess up? Yeah, I think she did personally...right now your focus needs to be on just that complaint. Now you know the deal on that so you can pursue it in the right amount of detail to be successful. As to who was banging on the door...you really don't know. My question is, why does it matter? He's mad.....good!! Let him be mad...over what?? That you haven't done anything he and his jerk of an attorney tried to pin on you recently over the mortgage? If that was him at the door....what would he really have accomplished other than to prove he's a jerk? I do agree with Steen, please do have the meds changed, I hate when docs over-medicate...you know that. I know you to be a strong, educated and intelligent woman...I don't even know why you stress over this little man from the wrong side of the Greek island other than the fact you could run circles around him mentally. It's obvious that he is trying to get out of the alimony, that was the entire premise of his having his attorney send you that BS. I'd laugh at how much that whole thing has cost him....what a schmuck!! Please feel better soon because you need to focus on the important things here...and not the drama your ex seems to bring to the table. Hugs!! 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 9, 2014 Author Share Posted February 9, 2014 Yas....you didn't do anything wrong, you have a right to inquire about your legal file with your attorney and you have a right to what information is made available in court. Your medical information should be private to you and only allowed privy to those you agree to let it be known to. Did your attorney mess up? Yeah, I think she did personally...right now your focus needs to be on just that complaint. Now you know the deal on that so you can pursue it in the right amount of detail to be successful. As to who was banging on the door...you really don't know. My question is, why does it matter? He's mad.....good!! Let him be mad...over what?? That you haven't done anything he and his jerk of an attorney tried to pin on you recently over the mortgage? If that was him at the door....what would he really have accomplished other than to prove he's a jerk? I do agree with Steen, please do have the meds changed, I hate when docs over-medicate...you know that. I know you to be a strong, educated and intelligent woman...I don't even know why you stress over this little man from the wrong side of the Greek island other than the fact you could run circles around him mentally. It's obvious that he is trying to get out of the alimony, that was the entire premise of his having his attorney send you that BS. I'd laugh at how much that whole thing has cost him....what a schmuck!! Please feel better soon because you need to focus on the important things here...and not the drama your ex seems to bring to the table. Hugs!! Trip, With the door thing it was the noise. Normal people ring the bell and leave, it's over. It was the banging, and I now recall the door know snacking too, with the dogs going crazy. I was trying to get upstairs to hide, and get a view, and stun gun. There was car in sight. His style take ya by surprise. I have to get another lock. The door is way to shaky - pulls in and out. ----------------------------------------- I know why the Bar thing failed. I never wrote up the effects of the med records on me. But it may be good causexa bad decision effects a law suit. ----------------------------------------- I need an attorney, bad. It is not easy for someone like me to get an attorney. ---------------------------------------- You guys always come and rescue me to help me! Tojaz - out of the woodwook, Trippi, Steen, 2Sunny, and more. Thank you so much! Even new friends! Allumere, Hinitticus, Shocked Suzie, Zahaha and more. Even one of the mods "nudged me, and I apologized, and he said he knew the state was out of character for me haha, as if the mod knows who we are! I don't have any friends left here at all. Ive messed up every friendship. I wish I would wake up and try not tone an idiot. I have regressed. Not in the ooie-gooie way, thank God. In the homemaking and hygiene departments. Actually, I look like a homeless person right now - what a mess I am. Just sleeping all day, not taking proper care myself. Not doing anything at all. No TV, radio, music. Just silience and sleep. I love doing LS. It is kinda like my newspaper, and has been good therapy to get over this last hurdle of acceptance, think I got that one, or close to it. Now I'm working on indifference. He's being such a dummy it's kinda embarrassing - maybe that stage will go by faster. My letter to his lawyer made even his lawyer look like a fool. And it was a very kind letter. I keep u posted. Yas Here I woke at 5 am. Doggies still asleep. Kisses to all of you. Can one of tolu guys come and stay with me for awhile in ATL? Yas Link to post Share on other sites
Steen719 Posted February 9, 2014 Share Posted February 9, 2014 Wish I was close enough to! Call the drug store and see if you can pay for the meds over the phone and have them deliver them to you? Give them your phone number and have the person call you when they get there. Maybe once you have the new meds in you, you can address the other issues more clearly and move forward with your legal issues. For today, get moving around and take a shower and put on some fresh clothes, and if the pharmacy won't deliver, get out and get those meds. It's hard to feel indifferent when things are going on like this, but you will get there. Let him huff and puff. Who gives a toot? Let him go try to intimidate someone else. Like Tripp said, you are smart and strong. Hugs & Kisses, girlie! Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 9, 2014 Author Share Posted February 9, 2014 I don't know how to get an attorney with no money. This is a contengenty matter anyway because it's mal-practice and negligence. I still couldn't get out. My hair isn't rock'in. I look like a skunk with this grey. Hygiene really goes down during these periods. All I can manage is to wait an an hour and go sleep. GOAL: I have stuff to dye my hair - it is a big project, but it would look really cool. Maybe that could be my goal in the morning. I awake at 5am. It takes a few hours to process this much hair. I try my best. Maybe late alimony check will be in mail tomorrow - then I'll be forced to go to bank and store, but I'll be looking smashing. I've just established a new cacoon routine, gotta break it. Root for me. I keep you posted. Yas Link to post Share on other sites
tojaz Posted February 11, 2014 Share Posted February 11, 2014 Good to see you Tojaz! Here is exactly what I texted. (remember, I am at war with this firm). Is this extortion? Did I commit extortion or blackmail or the suggestion of intent to do so? Should I see a criminal attorney? I'm totally broke. But should I be prepared to get bailed out of jail? Tojaz, all u guys, -- gimme the straight scoop. I need have meds. I am missing two. I have to leave the house tomorrow to get the meds. fist couple texts: 1st - pix of weird art 2nd -pix of weird art + comment "Thanks for the files." ________________________ (Then, when I heard nothing, I though I better explain that cryptic messing and proceed to OVERDO it) _________________________ ACTUAL PHOTO OF MEDICAL RECORDS Hon, u said u were intimately acquainted with my files, I was assuming u were in charge of what went out. Perhaps you were not. I did not know. There are inappropriate things in the files. Im sure it is not your fault. I just don't understand what is going on. And the files have caused me a lot of trama, although, I needed to know they were not properly handled. Sorry, so very sorry, if I upset you. My Name Text B This is what has had me out of my mind for months now. *I'm conflicted about whether I should have read it or not. *I think the Consent to Confidentiality Order should have been followed in the end game. *But if it was to be put in my hands again, I would read it, and be messed up by it. *Some things, like a psychiatrist's private notes, are not meant for the patient to see. *Even HIPPA has a law regarding that. *I guess I broke that law. *But when I saw the envelope, I didn't really know what was inside. *I was also really freaked out by Dr. Abc'd notes. *I had to write an apology for my behavior at his office. *Going to see Dr. Abc used to be like Sunday School to me. *I would dress to the nines, anything to try to convince him I didn't have this bi-polar. *I hate the stigma of this disease. Following the scene I made after reading those Dr. Abc'd private records, it will take a very long time to redeem myself! *I just dress normally when I go there. *Everything is messed up. *I don't feel like reaching for the sky. Text C) I'm so sad, so ashamed, so overwhelmed. Her That is all I will write, Name. I'm always around Yas. Read through this, and I still don't see anything illegal on your part, even if you are not supposed to have them, you didn't go out and procure them, they were delivered to you. It is not illegal for you to look at a file that has been given to you legally, even if your not supposed to. There may be questions about how you use that file... admissibility being the big one, but I don't believe that is in your plans anyway so I see no reason for anyone to even know you have it and just carry on. As for what Dr. ABC wrote, Dr's notes and reports are cold and clinical for a reason, they are not designed to be read by a patient or the patients loved ones. They are written so they can be easily read by other doctors so they can help you the most and the fastest. Don't take that assessment to heart. TOJAZ Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 12, 2014 Author Share Posted February 12, 2014 (edited) Tojaz, Since my attorneys are angry that I went to the Bar, I thought they may view the head's up on the medical files as EXTORTION. Ands might have arrested. On another topic: I was too broke to get the meds, since I do not have income from rental property or alimony. I kept waiting for alimony, it was not here in Mondays mail (Feb. 10). By that I had been missing 3-4 different drugs. I started getting paranoid my former attorney had lined my alimony. So I just emailed and inquired whether that was the case. They didn't answer my manic email. I then just called former husband's paralegal. I told her, with the issues going, and the strange event with the door banging, I thought perhaps he might be angry, but at any rate, I didn't have the check and I needed my meds (she realized too - that paying those taxes had been a hardship on me). So she called. I had check the day. Here's the problem. I got tipsy the night before I got the check and did drunk dialing to former husband about 11 voice mails. I can't believe I did that. I was trying to outsider him to stop being so angry. I even to him I would try to consider getting married so he wouldn't have to pay the alimony - even though that wan't really what I wanted to do. I can't really remember as I was so in withdrawal and suffering, dilusional, since I actually thought I could help him get over the anger with stupid ideas. I tried to explain the illness to him, waste of time. Then I told him I was working really hard at dating, and had 4000 hits on Match. Then I reminded him that I have vidio cams surrounding the entire house (since I am pretty sure that was him at the door), along with two deer cams in the trees. I told him to no longher have these people watch me cause it has all been filmed. I told him, as he knows from the last guy before the holidas, I have no problem walking right up to these goons and taking pictures - so stop it. I ended convo with I love you, but I'm not IN LOVE with you. If you want me to find a husband so you don't have to pay alimony, then you have to stop making trouble for me, stop having your attorney sending me stupid letters. I said I know I got it going on in the looks deparment, but I go dating if I'm all stressed out and don't have medicine. Well, know the title of this thread makes total sense. Try not to be an idiot like me. I am really mental. I could end up in jail. I am really scaring myself. I had it so together before I got that letter from his attorney. Now look at me. I am a big mess. Humiliating. A disgrace to LS. Yas Edited February 14, 2014 by a LoveShack.org Moderator Link to post Share on other sites
aMguilts Posted February 12, 2014 Share Posted February 12, 2014 yas come on aM Link to post Share on other sites
aMguilts Posted February 12, 2014 Share Posted February 12, 2014 YOUR THE BIGGEST HELP ON HERE!!!! so what can I... do, to help you??? aM Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 12, 2014 Author Share Posted February 12, 2014 The only thing that will fix this is time. When you break NC you go back to Day 1. That's it. I'm an idiot. I cannot let myself run out of medication. I cannot replace medication with wine. I cannot let some idiotic legal letters get to me - especially when they were in the wrong. Now I'm the one in the wrong, and my tail between my legs. Who knows what else I said. I cannot remember - but it was probably 45 min. worth - all on tape, a lesson I should have learned by now. I am really an idiot. Totally ashamed. I am effing up a lot of things. Y Link to post Share on other sites
RightThere Posted February 12, 2014 Share Posted February 12, 2014 Well, know the title of this thread makes total sense. Try not to be an idiot like me. I am really mental. I could end up in jail. I am really scaring myself. I had it so together before I got that letter from his attorney. Now look at me. I am a big mess. Humiliating. A disgrace to LS. Yas Don't be so hard on yourself. If all of this was easy, we wouldn't need to be on LS. There is no disgrace in falling down. It's about how you conduct yourself and recover afterwards. Hang in there. I'm falling down as well. But it just means I've already seen the path once before to picking myself back up. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 13, 2014 Author Share Posted February 13, 2014 I have been taking all my medicines for a couple now since I got alimony check. I much more even today. Thank you for all the help during the crazy time. Yas 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Steen719 Posted February 13, 2014 Share Posted February 13, 2014 I have been taking all my medicines for a couple now since I got alimony check. I much more even today. Thank you for all the help during the crazy time. Yas Very good, Yas. I'm sure things will improve for you. Link to post Share on other sites
Misadventure Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Yas, This is hell and I am so sorry. But this is not the time to second guess yourself. What these arses did is wrong. Violating HIPPA laws is wrong. If you are able to, find another lawyer not connected at all in any way. I know it's the last thing you want to hear and last thing you want is yet another lawyer, but you need representation. Then you can see where things can go and make not only you can get money back, but also a settlement that was denied to you. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
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