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Jelousy driving me crazy.

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I don't want him, but I don't want him to be with anybody else. This is really horrible. I know.


He lives in the same blcok as me at university housing, and we got along real well and got together on the first night! We spent the next two weeks sleepingi n each other's rooms and everything was brilliant. Tha's until I went home for the weekend one week and the my flatmates told me he was cheating.


So I confronted him about it and he was truly gutted and said it honestly didnt mean anything. But i just couldnt be with him no more. For a while it was weird, then we eventually restorted our friendship.


At this point I started liking him again, and god help me i tried to hint it! He seemed keen as well, but we never actually went for it. So now he's seeing this OTHER GIRL and im going psycho. Totally jelous. Always thinking what she looks like and how she is. dreading the day i meet her! I pretend im interested in what they do and regularly asks about it, like a good friend.


I think hes brill. I wana stay friend with him, if anything, but i want him to be single at the same time! I know its horrible, but i think our friendship has to have flirting it in!


Any suggestions anyone?

thank xx

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Two choices: fight or leave.


I suggest you find yourself a nice man who's interested in you and won't cheat you the second you're looking away..


If it's a matter of pride, fight for the guy. HE doesn't sound much like a catch, but if it's important for you, do it. You have the advantage of living very close to him and of knowing him sooner, so it's relatively easy to become his main point of interest again. The question is: "What good will it do you?" I remember a chain letter about what every woman should know: every woman should know when to try harder and when to let go.



Good luck, whatever you decide :)

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