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Don't know what to think

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My partner goes out most weekends and when he does he doesn't come back till the next day sometimes it's even two days he's gone for. He tells me he is just with friends round there houses. I try ringing him but no answer he will only answer when he's ready to come back! Is it me over thinking things or should I be worried?

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Anything else you could tell about your relationship? I find it difficult to believe that he doesn't contact you after two days even after you call him.


There has to be some circumstance for this.

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A lot of holes in your story.


1. How long have you been together? Are you officially boyfriend/girlfriend?

2. Why aren't you invited to spend time with him and his friends?

3. Have you ever met his friends?

4. How often do you see each other?

5. Is he married? Seeing someone else?

6. Are you sure you're his girlfriend?

Edited by KatZee
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