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Friend's Gf Hitting on me?/Problems.

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I'm not sure if she actually is, cuz she is rather flirty by nature, but i do seem to get more attention than usual, or in general more attention then her other friends receive, so i need opinions.


How she acts?

Sweet and caring towards me, laughs at about anything i say, teases me and tries to get me to react all the TIME. Initiates contact often, even online, i log in POP up message from her straight away.

Random Hugs from her, "awww" reactions, flirty and tries to fish for my compliments, invites me places, i had to say it directly to her, "that you have a man for that."

To wich she responded with "it's nothing official yet " and started talking to me about her relationship insecurities, since he is not panning out as she had wanted (2 years rl) and just really opened up to me. If i was her i'd feel the same, ik the guy personally and he is a lazy ass, unmotivated, and this is what she complained to me about, but it's not my problem.


But srsly it's my friend we are talking about, so i won't do anything, i almost never respond to her flirtations, on ocasion, can't help it.


Llike i said i am uncertain and this is why i am asking for opinions since she has a flirty behavior overall and i am not sure, just being how she always is or hitting on me? I never took notice, but i am single now since i broke up and am taking notice.


Because i am going to tell her i am not interested, but i want to be sure first, otherwise i might look like a complete moron and just make things worse.

Edited by FrostBlaze
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Tell your friend.

Wouldn't you want to know if your girl was hitting on one of your mates?

And don't touch her with a barge pole, she has shown that you can't trust her as far as you can throw her.

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I think she is just having some doubts, they show up in long relationships right? idk.

W/e i can't say i blame her totally for looking into other men, but she should probably tell him first, in fact i recommended that to her, if she is so unhappy.


Any other input?



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No. Tell your friend what kind of girl she is. She is a cheating, passive-aggressive, wuss who doesn't have the balls to break up with him despite being unhappy with him for over a year, and instead of handling it like a mature person she will hit on his mates.


Some piece of work she is. Sounds like a right catch.


ETA: I wrote that in response to your previous post, before you edited it. But it's still true.

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Guess i should, thanks for the help.

Had to edit my other post, i somewhat regret starting the topic, i mean i allready had the answer, i was just doubting and second guessing what i should of done.

+Telling their story to other people is really none of my business, should of just included the part that involved me.

But thanks anyway.

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If you tell him she's going to deny it and say she's just being friendly. Then he's left choosing between yet another sausage and the girl that's blowing him. Who do you think he's going to pick? :confused:


Either just keep ignoring or f her already. Once you get the friend involved it's going to hurt your relationship with him whether or not you're actually taking her up on her offer. What guy wants to be friends with the guy the girl he's going out with has a thing for. Almost as bad as being friends with the guy she cheated on you with.

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Whatever you do, stay away from her drama. It will only cause trouble and I bet no matter how lazy and unmotivated her boyfriend is, he's still a better friend to you than she could ever be.

I'm sure she'll sooner or later catch some other guy less strong than you, but that's her problem then and her business. I bet you don't want the trouble of your mates thinking you're gawking at their girlfriends. :confused:


And should she start to deny anything, go on and show your friend a few posts and let him decide. Even if he doesn't fully believe you, it will send her a clear message you're not the type that will bang anything the world has to offer.

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