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Just a friend?


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Hi everyone, I'm new to the boards and am in need of some help.



I have a friend that I've grown close to over the past few years that we've known each other. He's a great guy, fun to be with, smart, funny, etc. He is always reminding me that we're just friends and would never be anything more (I've never suggested we should be anything more, so I'm not sure why he always says this.)



Upon recent reflection, I've started to realize that he wants to be part of everything in my life... It started when he joined my lunch table and now he comes over anywhere from 1-3 times a week. He wants to attend my outings with friends and the social club I run. He also likes to attend celebrations with my family and co-workers. And recently, he friend requested some of my friends on a social networking site after attending an outing. He likes to know every detail of my love life. The weird thing is, he has never introduced me to his family or friends in all these years. He had a girlfriend until last year, but he never introduced me to her either.



We've never been intimate in any way, not even a hand holding or kiss. He often tells me I'm like one of the guys. He's told me he loves me twice, but he said it in a friend way.



I'm very confused by this behavior, trying to understand why he wants to be so involved in my life but share little of his own.



Why do you think he is doing this? Any suggestions on what I should do?

Edited by hellonheels
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