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holding hands

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so me and my friend got drunk together the other night, and I actually cant remember who instigated it, but we ended up holding hands, like not even the normal holding hands, but where you link your fingers aswell. Is this a sign that he likes me more than as a friend, or were we just too drunk. We didnt kiss, but we hugged a lot aswell. Nothing about feelings were said. Im just kinda freaking out because its valentines day soon , and I dont know what to think .

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It's more positive then negative but I doubt that he's a point where you are getting a date for Valentine's Day out of this.



Try spending time with him sober.



He's either very shy or very strict. A guy who's into you, usually does more than hold your hand while drunk. (BTW I'm assuming you are of legal drinking age or at least in college. If you are younger than that, handholding is great but stop drinking.)

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I have a feeling he is shy to make a move, because I know I wanted to kiss him but didnt, but maybe im wrong.

We have met up before sober, and he seemed to always make excuses to touch me, not sexually but like poke me, or put his hand on my shoulder things like that.

He also speaks to me almost every other day via text message, so I dont know whether that is any indication.

Dont worry I am 18, and have finished school :D

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If you are in the US, you are too young to drink.



The fact that you are 18 softens my view of his failure to make a move & tends to make me agree with you that he's shy. The hand holding was probably his big move. If you aren't willing to outright ask him out, make sure he knows how much you liked the contact & that you would be open to dating him. Shy boys need to be assured that it's safe to take the risk to ask you out

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Im in Germany, so its legal.

yep okay thanks, I guess its for me to show my feelings more so he feels more comfortable, however the same goes for me, im too shy to make a move incase he doesnt want to, so I need him to show me its okay, but if we are both waiting for the other, this could take a long time :D

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You guys were clearly impaired which always leads you to do things you wouldn't otherwise do in a sober state. I wouldn't think much about it, neither would I start acting weird towards this friend, carry on as usual.

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