nebulae Posted February 12, 2014 Share Posted February 12, 2014 My birthday is on Saturday, and my friend (who also happens to be dating my brother) said she'd make me a birthday cake. I asked her a few weeks later if she still wanted to make me a cake and she said "I might if I have time and the kids behave". I understand she has two young kids, but she offered to make it and still insists on making it and I just have to hope she turns up with a cake at my birthday meal tomorrow. I made her daughter a two tier fondant cake which took hours, a made one for her brother, one for her mother and one for her birthday recently which I spend hours on. She also asked me to make another cake for her other child. To top it all off, my brother just told me to stop stressing her out because 'she does have two kids to look after'. I just feel like an afterthought and the effort I put into making all the cakes for her family and she can't seem to be bothered to make me a little cake with chocolate buttercream. Link to post Share on other sites
whichwayisup Posted February 12, 2014 Share Posted February 12, 2014 Go out and get a nice cake, for back up. She should have said, 'I can't make any promises, I will try to make you a cake, but if I can't manage it, I'll let you know the day before.' Please don't take it personally, her heart is in the right place..there's no malicious intent on her behalf. She is really busy and probably didn't think it through. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
JDPT Posted February 13, 2014 Share Posted February 13, 2014 I wouldn't count on that cake. You deserve a good cake, go out and get it. Link to post Share on other sites
preraph Posted February 13, 2014 Share Posted February 13, 2014 She's being a bitch for not just saying yes or no because if it's no, then you can make other plans and it is your birthday, not hers or her kids. If she doesn't come through or acts the martyr for making one, damn if I'd keep up catering to her and her family though. People decide to have kids. It's not up to anyone to give them special consideration or privileges for it! It's become an excuse for the worst possible behavior lately. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
SerCay Posted February 14, 2014 Share Posted February 14, 2014 Also, she has had weeks to prepare and plan for your cake. Stop baking cakes for her and her family and start learning the rules of tit for tat. Might sounds childish, but it works for me. I put in as much as I get from someone and there's no headaches in it. Buy or bake yourself a lovely cake and enjoy every bit of it, if she shows up with a cake anyway you can thank her and say, I wasnt counting on it since you werent clear, so I actually already have a cake, but thanks anyway . I cant stand inconsiderate people anymoreee aarggg Link to post Share on other sites
preraph Posted February 14, 2014 Share Posted February 14, 2014 ^ I agree about the tit for tat. The only exceptions are perhaps when someone is ill or in some sort of crisis and they need you so it's one-sided for awhile. But even then, only if you know they'd do the same for you. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
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