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Hm. Is it worth it...?

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Just for reference, I'm a 25 year old guy who's never really dated, never been in a relationship, never had sex, or anything like that, so if I come off as sounding a bit... naive, well, that's why.


Truth be told, I have a hard time finding girls I like enough to even want to ask out; not to mention, I'm pretty reserved around people I don't know and I also tend to not make very good first impressions, so that kind of holds me back.


A couple of weeks ago, I met this girl at school (we're in different classes), and she kept randomly talking to me. Looking back, I feel bad, because I think I came off as rude and uninterested, but the truth is, I was just really focused on what I was doing, and I'm never really sure how to talk to people anyway. I think I may have responded a couple of times to some of the stuff she said. When she left, she introduced herself and said "Nice to meet you", and I did the same. Didn't really think much of it.


Today, all the classes got together for a guest speaker, and she popped up again and asked me if she could sit next to me, and I said sure. We didn't talk at all, but I kinda started wondering if maybe she was showing some kind of interest in me for reasons I couldn't possibly explain...?


I dunno. She's kinda cute, and she seems nice, I suppose, but I don't want to make things weird if she's just generally a social person and is just being nice to me. I've made that mistake before, and I don't really care to repeat it. Besides, I'm not even sure how to properly talk to her. I only ever see her around every now and then, so it's not like I bump into her that much. I dunno. Just feeling sort of puzzled.

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She's definitely showing interest. Now the only thing that I would be considered about is if she's showing you interest to probe someone else to ask her out. If you don't think that is that case then by all means make some kind of move for her.

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I think it's worth it. She'd definitely showing interest in you. I can't say whether it's because she finds you attractive or because she wants to befriend you. In any case though, I'd show some interest back. Maybe it doesn't evolve into anything, but in my experience, friendships that start with genuine interest as opposed to just circumstances are much more rewarding.

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I suppose if I have a chance to talk to her in private (which probably isn't very likely), I could maybe try asking her out. As someone who overthinks stuff, though, I wonder how I should go about doing that. I mean, she's chatted with me a couple times, but I've barely said much to her at all; so would it be weird if I asked her out as is? Should I spend the next couple of weeks trying to chat with her a little before I ask her out? And if/ when I actually ask her out, should I actually ask her on a date, or should I just ask for her number to contact her later, or what? I don't really know how this stuff "normally" works.

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