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Friend question


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Hi y'all,



I have a friendship question I was wondering if I can get some insight on to perhaps see things from a different perspective. I have a friend who has many good qualities about her. I realize we all have our positive and negative qualities and I understand friends sometimes need to challenge one another. I am of the personal belief that most things can be let go and to pick battles. My friend however, in my opinion, can really "nitpick" at me and criticize me, and does not even listen to the whole story before doing so. It almost seems like an automatic knee jerk response. For example I was telling her about something my kid got upset at and the response was "was SHE actually upset or were you the one upset?" and another time I was venting about some issues with a family member and she interrupted to say "I really think you need to accept her apology and let it go"....which is fine, except I was talking about a man and never mentioned an apology. I am not sure why she does this, if I should say something and if so how. I don't know if she is trying to be helpful or belittling or if I could be seeing it wrong. What would you do? Thank you so much y'all for each and every opinion and perspective! :)

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I'm a bit like your friend, very headstrong and opinionated. Some people are fixed about things and some people are easy going. My friends find me an excellent person to get an honest opinion because most easy going people are just being polite.


I don't understand the issue you have about "the acceptance of the apology for her" issue.


Just fact find what your friend is talking about. Rephrase the words and ask it back in a different way.

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