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Bible Disproven!

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I regret to say that I have found a contradiction within the Bible which renders the entire Bible untrue:


"Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour." (1 John 2:18 NIV)


Clearly the antichrist did NOT appear within one "hour" of John writing that. There we have it--the smoking gun. Everybody can shred their Bibles and finally walk away from Christianity with a guilt-free conscience.

Edited by M30USA
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This post is most likely way off, but here goes.


OP reminds of a movie of Nazi Germany during WWII. One scene consisted of Christians gathered in a remote area having a secret Bible study and get together. A Nazi soldier burst in and told the occupants he was going to kill all present and commanded those who were not Christians (not willing to die for their faith) to leave or be killed. About 10 of them fled leaving about 5 willing to die for their faith. After all of the non committed were gone, the soldier put down his weapon and joined the study/gathering. The remaining occupants were in shock and coming down off of the fact that they thought that was it for them- the soldier told them he couldn't afford not to have the real deal.


Sorry, I can't remember the last statement of the soldier, so winged it, but it gets the message across (I hope).

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But what will this mean for your UFO theories???!!! What will you do, M30??


Don't worry, God and his angels are still gonna be cruising around in their UFOs.


(In human terms, that is. Not that I've ever claimed to know what they ARE. I don't even know if they're ships even. But they are still real, lol.)

Edited by M30USA
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Don't worry, God and his angels are still gonna be cruising around in their UFOs.


(In human terms, that is. Not that I've ever claimed to know what they ARE. I don't even know if they're ships even. But they are still real, lol.)



Oh, ok. I was getting worried about you, that something was really wrong!




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imo belief is something that forms an individuals identity. When we think of ourselves there is always something we reference ourselves to, be it religion, sport, film etc.


Takes those things away and you are taking away someones identity or at least part of it.


I say let people be.

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