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using the ex as 'example'

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broke up about 6 months ago. when I am asked questions about relationships/dating, or generally just want to reference something I use my ex as the example. I was talking to a friend today and she said I am clearly not over my ex, because if I was I wouldn't use him as an example in my stories. I am not talking about an example for other men, but as in 'oh, when I was with X, it was this way' etc. does that mean I'm not over him or is it pretty common to use your most recent ex as an example when speaking to others? I feel over him, NC for 6 months and I'm dating someone new, changed my number, no hope of reconciliation, etc.

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I use my ex's as examples in relationship stories as a way to relate and connect with others.


If you use him as an example for things outside of dating, and do it frequently, then perhaps he is on your mind a lot. But if it's just in a sense of relating to others through your dating experience than no, it does not mean you still have romantic feelings for an ex.


If that were the case, I'd be in trouble :laugh: I use dating experience from nearly 10 years ago.

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