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Depression question....


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Got sumthing do u count this as being crazy or physcotic?


I had bad relationships both friend an love, also I was abused at school by otha kids an at home, Teased, ect...


Now I was very Depressed, Angry an suicidel .... If you were in my position an ur parent didn't care about u or ya problems an you were only 17 wut would you do?


And when I had thoughts about hurting my self I thought about everything... I attempt it 4 times an almost died 1nce.....ya admit I was a very troubled kid at the time.....


So I guess wat Im saying is How would you feel if you were very depressed, got ur ass kid everyday afta school, made fun of, family an friends disrespect you ?? No matter how hard you try to get it to sum wat stop it just seems to get worse an your only way u felt was of killing ur self would you do it?


well im fine now im 18 got away from it and seeked professional help..... :laugh:

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Hey, life was hard for me too. School was o.k but my mum was just hell. SOmetimes things got so bad that I used to loook at the obituaries and think that those people were so lucky to be dead. I later realised that there was so much to life. I can actually make a difference in this world. As it is, I can talk to others and make them see that everything changes and the happy part of their life will come around soon enough. Life is not easy but you have survived. You know now that you are tough enough to handle whatever else ife will throw your way coz your tougher than most. There's a reason you faced this.It prepared you for the great things you are to do later coz you'll need strength to do big things. Don't ever let circumstances get you down coz they will change. You left school and you can live home. Be glad that you have grown. Never pity yourself. Use everything that has happened ( and that will happen) as a learning experience. Keep your head up

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So I guess wat Im saying is How would you feel if you were very depressed, got ur ass kid everyday afta school, made fun of, family an friends disrespect you ??




well im fine now im 18 got away from it and seeked professional help.....


Then, what is the purpose of your post?

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