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Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

Just thought i would update you all on my date this last weekend. Me and Beth had a date last weekend, and she stood me up, and hasn't even called me since that night. So i guess she is history. Oh well...im not calling her!!! My ex girlfirend (the one that dumped me after dating for almost 2 years) called me yesturday crying because her boyfriend dumped her. hhmmmmm no simpathy from me!!!!

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Well, you have found two ladies you don't want to have anything to do with. Unfortunately, 4 billion to go.


Standing someone up without warning or a call is the most rude thing a person can do. You are lucky to have Beth out of your life. Don't you dare give her another chance, unless she was severely injured in an accident and couldn't call you.


As for your ex, she has a hell of a lot of nerve calling you because her new boyfriend broke up with her. Sounds like she may want to USE you until she finds someone else.


Where do you find these people?

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Hello Bobby D.,


Aren't you in the dc/baltimore area? I know many girl friends around here and they're really cool chicks. I'm sorry that two not-so-great ones came in and out of your life. But don't worry, in this area there are many wonderful girls. You just haven't met them yet.

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Bobby Dygytul

Yeah those two are most definately history. It's their loss though, i don't never sweat over ladies like that. Things like that used to bother me, but im strong now. I have been hurt so many many times that now it doesn't bother me when girls do me wrong or stand me up. All i do is move on and find someone new. One of these days i'll find the woman of my dreams. Until then, i'll be playing the field and having as much fun as i can while im still young.


ps. I'll let you all know how the next one goes!!

Well, you have found two ladies you don't want to have anything to do with. Unfortunately, 4 billion to go. Standing someone up without warning or a call is the most rude thing a person can do. You are lucky to have Beth out of your life. Don't you dare give her another chance, unless she was severely injured in an accident and couldn't call you. As for your ex, she has a hell of a lot of nerve calling you because her new boyfriend broke up with her. Sounds like she may want to USE you until she finds someone else. Where do you find these people?
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Bobby Dygytul

Yeah i am from that area. Yeah there are alot of really cool chicks out here, i'll just hafta find the right one for me. Until then i'll being having lots of fun meeting new people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks Sparkle!!

Hello Bobby D., Aren't you in the dc/baltimore area? I know many girl friends around here and they're really cool chicks. I'm sorry that two not-so-great ones came in and out of your life. But don't worry, in this area there are many wonderful girls. You just haven't met them yet.
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I'm sorry about the bad lady luck lately, Bobby. I like your resilient attitude displayed in your choice to keep moving on.


My best wishes for a more considerate woman next time.

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