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In reconciliation, what is required of the DUMPEE?


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After 6 months, ex is back and means business.


Enough about that. My concern is, am I ready, am I capable?


Hypothetically, if the original dumper is in it to win it with full heart, having done personal development, and all things necessary that we dream about (regardless if this is true in my case or not),


in what place does the dumpee have to be in order for a second chance to work?


How does one proceed? What to do?

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It varies, but I'd say the best things you could do for yourself are:


- Identify how YOU contributed to the breakup. A breakup is rarely all one sided, and the biggest culprit is usually a lack of effective communication.


- Have "moved on". It doesn't mean you can't still care for the dumper and be attracted to them, but you've have to have let go of the pain of the breakup. You have to have forgiven the dumper AND yourself for any mistakes made.


- Have improved or changed your life in some way, even if it's small. Something you can be proud of and hold onto. This is more to build self-confidence.


- Be prepared to handle anything. This should be treated as a NEW relationship, so take it slowly. Date, don't jump right back into a relationship. Learn about them, make sure you can trust them and that they're genuine in their attempts. Most of all, be prepared to tell them "no thanks" and reject them if you don't like what you're seeing.


As long as you're not desperate and willing to take them back no matter how they behave, you should be in a good spot.

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