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Dating, Friends....????

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Hi Guys,


I have posted before about my issue in the Dating forum. I started dating someone I met OLD. Everything was nice for the first 3 weeks. I know myself and tend to one to jump into a relationship quickly so I told him I wanted us to be exclusive, he said yes, we disabled our OLD accounts.


Three days after that he told me his head is really messed up since he was engaged 5 months ago. Three months after breaking the engagement started dating someone for a month that treated him like garbage.Told me that he didn't want to hurt me. So I told him it was okey, to take his time and clear his head and if he still felt like dating me after all that to call me. He told me there is something missing between us, that he sees a friendship but something is holding him back romantically. That he thinks is just because he is scared to messing a relationship up again. That hurt me.


We stopped talking like for 2 days and he reached out. Says he misses me that he wants us to keep dating slowly, to build a friendship that brings us closer and develops in a healthy and loyal relationship. I am giving him the chance, I really like him. He told me he never opens his feelings to anyone (that he doesn't understand why) but with me he can.


I told him I am going to keep on dating others while he decides. He got a little jealous but understood.


What are your opinions?

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My opinion is... don't date fixer-uppers.


He is clearly not in a healthy place to date you. Tell him to give you a call when he is - or find someone who is tin that place already.


ETA: and what's that stuff about creating a fake profile to test him? Jeeze... seems like you're not very emotionally mature either. The proper thing to do is to communicate plainly and openly. Not go around creating fake profiles and lying to people.

Edited by PegNosePete
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Yes I know that was horrible. Never thought he would even forgive me, but he did. I need to be more emotionally mature I know.


Thanks for your answer. Yesterday I told him that I just needed some time so we can be friends, and for him to clear his head.

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