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Want to get over my obsession with dating only tall guys...

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Exactly. Why is it so shameful to have preferences? I hope the people who are complaining about "height bias" have never turned down a 200-lb woman in their lives.


So a woman wanting a man so tall that they'll have twice the average height gap between couples means I shouldn't turn down woman is are significanty bigger than me (proportionately)? I don't see the correlation.

Edited by SJC2008
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So a woman wanting a man so tall that they'll have twice the average height gap between couples means I shouldn't turn down woman who are significanty bigger than me (proportionately)? I don't see the correlation.


People have every right to want what they want. Men have the right to want a skinny woman and women have the right to want a tall man. You'd think women are villains of some kind reading this thread.

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Maybe short girls desire tall guys on the primal level because they're more likely to produce taller offspring that way - and as the link I posted earlier suggests, height does provide a significant advantage in this world, especially if you're male. Two short people are almost certain to produce short offspring. Height is an attractive genetic feature, and probably even more attractive on the primal level to short women, who are not likely to produce taller offspring without a tall partner to balance out their shortness.


I have a hard time feeling strong attraction to a guy shorter than me, and in general, the taller he is (within reason), the stronger my girl boner. This doesn't mean I'll rule out guys my height, or even a little shorter, just as I wouldn't rule out a guy for not having other genetically desirable features.

In regards to the whole taller kids thing.


My dad is 5'10. I'm 5'6.


Some times sh*t happens.

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I'm waiting for that to happen :p


Seriously never had it happen. And while I don't condone fighting, if it did happen, I would be happy to show what a difference size makes :)


I've stepped into two guys who i've watched make a girl cry (without my friends in sight) and they immediately started apologising i'd say they were "average height"..... In cases like this, being big with the right demener commands respect, and quite frankly a guy who is 5'6" (unless he's a UFC fighter) is going to get laughed at.


He doesn't need to be an UFC fighter, all he needs to be able to do is fight. I think you're banking on guys being intimated by your size and that's not always going to be the case. I'm just being honest mate, your size wouldn't scare me nor would it deter me from defending myself against you.

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In regards to the whole taller kids thing.


My dad is 5'10. I'm 5'6.


Some times sh*t happens.


My mother is 5'1" and my father is 5'6", my brother is 5'11"

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Yep, noticed that. Short women should stop taking tall men out of the dating pool :mad:


Can't help what the ladies like :p

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In regards to the whole taller kids thing.


My dad is 5'10. I'm 5'6.


Some times sh*t happens.


The womans height and other lineage factors plays a bigger role than the fathers in most cases. My mother is 5'5' and my dad is 5'11.5". My half brother from my moms first marriage is 6' and his dad is 5'7" so he's taller than his dad.

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He doesn't need to be an UFC fighter, all he needs to be able to do is fight. I think you're banking on guys being intimated by your size and that's not always going to be the case. I'm just being honest mate, your size wouldn't scare me nor would it deter me from defending myself against you.


Yep. Fighting is far more complicated than size. Technique, reflexes, agility, etc. mean a lot more than how big you are.

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Well, I'm 5'6 and I've never had trouble getting girls. I have tons of tall friends and they don't really do better than me. Maybe online, but even then, I have short friends that do better than my tall friends online (I just suck there lol).


I don't think height matters as much as people on the internet make it seem.


Also, I spent a significant amount of time in bars and clubs in my younger years (almost daily lol) and dated/hooked up with a lot of girls. Never once had a guy grab my girl's a**. Most guys in clubs are pretty friendly in my experience.


I've dated taller girls in clubs too. I've rarely had anybody say anything to me about it, albeit the odd really drunk guy that gives me props lol.


People here need to lighten up! :laugh:

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People have every right to want what they want. Men have the right to want a skinny woman and women have the right to want a tall man. You'd think women are villains of some kind reading this thread.


Ahh the every right trump card...

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So you'd consider anybody that is average height in the US to be short.


Good to know :p


Well I am not from the US and have never been there.

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My mother is 5'1" and my father is 5'6", my brother is 5'11"

Ha ha, that's random as hell!

The womans height and other lineage factors plays a bigger role than the fathers in most cases. My mother is 5'5' and my dad is 5'11.5". My half brother from my moms first marriage is 6' and his dad is 5'7" so he's taller than his dad.

Yeah my mom is 5'2, but her dad is 6'2. All my grandfathers brothers are 6 feet. Hell I have female cousins on that side of the family that are 5'10+.


But my paternal grandfather is 5'6.


That's the genetic lottery.


So if a woman is worried about having short kids, she needs to look at the whole family tree.

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Ok that's just rediculous. The average woman in the US is 5'4" and the average man is 5'9.5". If you dated a man who is average height he'd be 7.5 inches taller than you, an inch and a half more than the average height difference of six inches between couples. And you're having a hard time with this how??


I am not from the US and no I never had any trouble finding a 6' guy here. I don't really care about the 6 inch rule. I don't use that.

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Ha ha, that's random as hell!


Yeah my mom is 5'2, but her dad is 6'2. All my grandfathers brothers are 6 feet. Hell I have female cousins on that side of the family that are 5'10+.


But my paternal grandfather is 5'6.


That's the genetic lottery.


So if a woman is worried about having short kids, she needs to look at the whole family tree.


Yep lol. My mothers side most of the men are average height/tall but my fathers side is all Italian and when taking that into account I tower over most of them lmao.

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Yep lol. My mothers side most of the men are average height/tall but my fathers side is all Italian and when taking that into account I tower over most of them lmao.


Americans are considerably taller than people in most parts of the world. I'm from the Middle east. Get on the plane in JFK and get off in Dubai and you go from looking up at everyone to looking down.

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He doesn't need to be an UFC fighter, all he needs to be able to do is fight. I think you're banking on guys being intimated by your size and that's not always going to be the case. I'm just being honest mate, your size wouldn't scare me nor would it deter me from defending myself against you.


You don't get what i'm saying. I'm saying size will command respect, plain and simple. And yes, size is a massive advantage in fighting, not just height but overall size. And there is also a chance a smaller guy can't fight either...... In general though chances are a guy 1' taller and 100lbs isn't going to be anywhere close to a challenge.

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You don't get what i'm saying. I'm saying size will command respect, plain and simple. And yes, size is a massive advantage in fighting, not just height but overall size. And there is also a chance a smaller guy can't fight either...... In general though chances are a guy 1' taller and 100lbs isn't going to be anywhere close to a challenge.


No I totally get what you're saying, it's incredibly flawed but I get it. Size commands respect with people who allow it to intimidate them, that just doesn't happen with me. Plenty of my friends are MMA fighters and I'm capable of handling myself. You simply wouldn't intimidate me mate, that's all.


You being bigger, even significantly bigger means nothing if you aren't coordinated, know how to throw a punch or know how to defend yourself against someone that has been taught how to fight properly. Your size may save you against guys who allow it to scare them but that's not every smaller guys reaction to it.

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I am not from the US and no I never had any trouble finding a 6' guy here. I don't really care about the 6 inch rule. I don't use that.


It's not a rule you're missing my point. Where are you from?

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Does this need that many pages? OP clearly doesnt wanna get over anything. So let her like tall guys. Not much different from my being unable to date thick girls seriously.

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Eternal Sunshine

My mum is 5'4" and my dad is 5'8".


I am 5'8" and my brother is 6'2". Not sure about genetics, but environmentally we grew up in a country town. Fresh air, good food and my mum is an excellent cook :bunny:

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Eternal Sunshine

There is no denying that short man are at a disadvantage. Sure, they can still do well but they will need to work harder than tall men.

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My mum is 5'4" and my dad is 5'8".


I am 5'8" and my brother is 6'2". Not sure about genetics, but environmentally we grew up in a country town. Fresh air, good food and my mum is an excellent cook :bunny:

And another example where parents height doesn't really determine the height of their kids.


Frankly, I wouldn't be that surprised if I had kids with a 5'2 girl that ended up being 5'11.

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There is no denying that short man are at a disadvantage. Sure, they can still do well but they will need to work harder than tall men.


That's no big deal. Hard work pays off in my experience.

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