Author ThatGirl213 Posted February 20, 2014 Author Share Posted February 20, 2014 People like what they like. What are you willing to sacrifice for a tall man? If he's tall and unemployed is that OK? What about if he is tall and a cheater and a liar? What if he's tall but boring and quiet? What if he's tall but is balding? There are so many variables to consider. Hmmm....well nobody wants a person who is unemployed or a liar or a cheater or quiet and boring....Maybe not all the great qualities but a good person who has a career who would make a good husband and a good father and who is ofcourse tall. Link to post Share on other sites
Author ThatGirl213 Posted February 20, 2014 Author Share Posted February 20, 2014 I don't understand the point of your thread. If you only feel "protected" by tall guys why would you want to try to date shorter men? Are there not enough tall men interested in you? I don't think it's nice to just use someone as an experiment. Lots of women (even tall ones) are attracted to shorter guys as well. It's all about the chemistry. I find it interesting that tall women never start these type of threads. Wonder why? I was saying that this is what I feel. Neer said short guys cannot protect me which is why I asked how to really get over this obsession. After reading the thread, I think I'll just stick to my preferences but keep an eye open. Link to post Share on other sites
soccerrprp Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 I don't know what caused this obsession...It was the same way since I was a teen. Perhaps cultural? You likely grew up with males who are all tall(er) and friends who only dated tall(er) guys? Don't know, but not so important. I've dated women taller than myself. That could never happen if they didn't already understand and recognize that height, as tolerable as they can accommodate, isn't nearly as important as finding a good guy. Most women prefer tall(er) men, but many also realize that height doesn't mean a thing when it comes to finding a compatible partner. You need to make yourself more aware of the emotional needs that you want satisfied and that does not have anything to do with height. You seem like a sensitive person and perhaps knowing that there are people, more ladies who have and are dating or in a relationship with short(er) guys will be helpful. I hope more ladies share their positive experiences with dating short(er) guys here in this thread. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
PJKino Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 There is no denying that short man are at a disadvantage. Sure, they can still do well but they will need to work harder than tall men. I never understood this which is said all the time here,does that mean a short man has to move mountains to create attraction while any tall man can approach a women and shes already smitten simply becasue of his height no matter what he looks like? all it takes for women to get turned on right away is for a guy to be tall evne if he has nothing else? this is what people make it sound like So a good looking very fit slightly short man will have a harder time then a tall ugly or meh looking guy? Link to post Share on other sites
isisisweeping Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 And another example where parents height doesn't really determine the height of their kids. Frankly, I wouldn't be that surprised if I had kids with a 5'2 girl that ended up being 5'11. We do know that anecdotes is not the plural of data and there is a demonstrable genetic link in height, correct? Denying that there is a genetic link is just silly. I don't choose who I date based on genetic potential - I haven't even once asked for a screening but there seems to be denying or minimizing the strong genetic link. (Of course, nutrition and health affect how one develops to their genetic potential... and recessive/dominant genes can come into play, and most traits are caused from a complex mix of genes.) Also, it's funny hearing guys who are short complaining about some women having their preferences, while defending their own aesthetic preferences as better. They are all preferences. One is not more shallow than the other. I could not care less how tall a guy is but if I heard a guy complaining about it, or worst being a hypocrite about what preferences one is allowed or not allowed to have (it doesn't have to be the exact same preference to make you hypocrite... its one aesthetic preference verse another aesthetic preference) I would run the other direction and not look back. This thread was certainly enlightening there. 4 Link to post Share on other sites
soccerrprp Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 So a good looking very fit slightly short man will have a harder time then a tall ugly or meh looking guy? PJKino, I find it interesting that you used the words "slightly short man." If, by that you mean a guy who is 5'9 or so...interesting. Would you agree that much shorter men like myself, at 5'6, would be at a greater disadvantage? Mind you, I have never allowed my height and my dating history does indicate that my height has ever been a hindrance. Link to post Share on other sites
HeavenOrHell Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 Why does it matter, seriously? Because of how it to looks to other people? Well good luck with finding a long lasting, special r/ship based on how tall both of you are. My last partner is 6ft or 6ft 1", and I'm 5ft 1", didn't bother us in the slightest the 2 decades we were together, total non issue, I find it ridiculous anyone would have an issue with this. Life's too, erm, short, haha! John 117; >I'm 6'3" and dating a girl that is 5'2" would feel liking dating a midget. I'm sorry but that's just too much of a height difference for me. I'm sure many tall guys would feel that way too and that's probably why many of them look you over (no pun intended). Try looking a guy that's maybe 3 or 4 inches taller than you like 5'6" or 5'7". You might have a better shot.< 2 Link to post Share on other sites
HeavenOrHell Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 Maybe shorter men are insecure about it because they know in general women want a man who is taller than them I'm shorter than you OP and when I was single I was attracted to much taller men. Nothing wrong with average or shorter guys but they seem to have aca complex about it!!! 1 Link to post Share on other sites
MrTurk Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 How about just dating someone that brings more than just the height Because most women "fixate" on 1 or 2 traits of men.....and they brainwash themselves into thinking they couldn't possibly be happy without it. How the guy treats them always takes a back seat to the fixation. Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 Maybe shorter men are insecure about it because they know in general women want a man who is taller than them You think? Women of all heights prefer tall men. It sucks that nobody prefers short guy, and we have to be settled for. You will never see a thread made where bunch of women post how they love short guys. It just won't happen. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
HeavenOrHell Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 What do you mean by tall men, what height are we talking? My partner is 5 ft 7", I don't think that's considered tall for a man. I know I'm short, but if I were a taller than him I wouldn't be put off by his height. You're 5 ft 6"? That is a total non issue for me, seriously, I don't care. You think? Women of all heights prefer tall men. It sucks that nobody prefers short guy, and we have to be settled for. You will never see a thread made where bunch of women post how they love short guys. It just won't happen. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
RedRobin Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 It's ok if you only like tall men, OP. Don't change a thing. leaves more of the 'fun-size' guys for me The guy in my avatar works for me just fine. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 What do you mean by tall men, what height are we talking? My partner is 5 ft 7", I don't think that's considered tall for a man. I know I'm short, but if I were a taller than him I wouldn't be put off by his height. You're 5 ft 6"? That is a total non issue for me, seriously, I don't care. Eh, I didn't fully read your post and jumped to a conclusion Yeah I'm fine with women wanting a guy who is taller than them. Though I do get annoyed when some say stuff like, "He must be taller than me when I wear 3" heels." Nothing pisses me off more than when women set an arbitrary height, like a 5'4 woman saying she will only date men 5'10 or taller. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
MrCastle Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 Eh, I didn't fully read your post and jumped to a conclusion Yeah I'm fine with women wanting a guy who is taller than them. Though I do get annoyed when some say stuff like, "He must be taller than me when I wear 3" heels." Nothing pisses me off more than when women set an arbitrary height, like a 5'4 woman saying she will only date men 5'10 or taller. I would say personally my biggest issue in the height thing is this: Women constantly fawn over tall men (online only, never seen it in real life) -- how they just "feel" more protected, how they think taller men look more masculine, all other sorts of things that make it seem like shorter men are deficient in some way -- and then in the same breath also say they prefer taller men because shorter men are insecure about their height. Really? They are? I wonder where that came from? 6 Link to post Share on other sites
samsungxoxo Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 It seems that the short woman are the ones focusing the most on a man's taller height and the ''He's got to be at least 6ft'' requirement. As a 5'7 woman, I tend to gravitate more (and always have; even as a kid) towards the average height men. If he's slightly below, it's ok too. I just saw a more than 7ft tall man on a supermarket and I must say it really grossed me out. Don't know why but it did. I prefer the norm, not a hulk I can't even wear median heels with. I guess I'm weird but hulks aren't my favorite cup of tea. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
HeavenOrHell Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 No worries. I find it annoying too when women say men have to be a certain height. I don't like people putting conditions on how people look. Eh, I didn't fully read your post and jumped to a conclusion Yeah I'm fine with women wanting a guy who is taller than them. Though I do get annoyed when some say stuff like, "He must be taller than me when I wear 3" heels." Nothing pisses me off more than when women set an arbitrary height, like a 5'4 woman saying she will only date men 5'10 or taller. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
pteromom Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 The kids thing is something you're eventually going to have to be flexible on. When I was 25, there's no way I would have dated a single dad. Now I'm in my 30s, and I have dated a few single dads. It's just the age thing. There will be more and more single dating parents the older you get. You just end narrowing your playing field if you don't consider them. I disagree with this 100%! Never get into a relationship with a woman with kids if you know you don't want kids. That's pretty unfair to the kids, and is just going to add a dimension of dissatisfaction to your relationship. There will always be some people who don't have and don't want kids. Those people should stick together. OP - try getting to know a guy who isn't tall and see if any chemistry develops. Just because you don't notice him right away doesn't mean you wouldn't be happy with him. 4 Link to post Share on other sites
Phoe Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 I'm 5'8 Two of my boyfriends were 5'6, the other two were 5'10 I just don't care about height. Guys sometimes say I'm too tall for them, which is nonsense, so why would I turn around and give the same nonsense and tell a man who's 5'6 that he's too short for me? 3 Link to post Share on other sites
AD1980 Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 I find it funny how alot of women cry about men being shallow and how they want to be loved for who they are on the inside yet alot arent willing to do the same for men becasue of some ideal they have and what kind of men they were promised as a child reading fairy tales. I get people have types and youre not attracted to everyone i just find it weird that a guy who has a face and body you could be attracted to but is under a certain height by an inch or two under your line of whats accpetable he is now unattractive to you its bizarre to me that if he was an inch or two more off the ground hed suddenly be hot 3 Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 I would say personally my biggest issue in the height thing is this: Women constantly fawn over tall men (online only, never seen it in real life) -- how they just "feel" more protected, how they think taller men look more masculine, all other sorts of things that make it seem like shorter men are deficient in some way -- and then in the same breath also say they prefer taller men because shorter men are insecure about their height. Really? They are? I wonder where that came from? Exactly. Punch me in the stomach and then ask why I'm hunched over 1 Link to post Share on other sites
suladas Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 I would say personally my biggest issue in the height thing is this: Women constantly fawn over tall men (online only, never seen it in real life) -- how they just "feel" more protected, how they think taller men look more masculine, all other sorts of things that make it seem like shorter men are deficient in some way -- and then in the same breath also say they prefer taller men because shorter men are insecure about their height. Really? They are? I wonder where that came from? It's THEIR choice to be insecure about it. Short guys here act like all short guys die alone in their moms basement because they can't do anything in life....... 2 Link to post Share on other sites
kaylan Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 (edited) It's THEIR choice to be insecure about it. Short guys here act like all short guys die alone in their moms basement because they can't do anything in life....... Lets stop the bullsh!!t here. These threads and posts come up all the time...calling attention to the reality that short men are not top picks for women. And most of the time it isnt short dudes creating these threads. Why the hell can they not voice their displeasure when this is constantly thrown in their face here and in real life? Jesus Christ with this lame ass shaming I see in this thread. You people dont do the same damn thing when men bring up a chicks weight. I dont see women being shamed for "letting it bother them". So lettuce beef real tea right now. (so lets be real here) Im a 5'9 whos just fine with his height. And guess what? The ONLY ever time I even thought my height was an issue was when I allowed my ex (prior to us dating) to make me that I was short. And the chick was 5'2 herself lol. The thing is that I generally see men tip toe around womens weight, and I see people be more patient and tactful about that issue. But I definitely do not see the same courtesy with regards to the male height issue. Edited February 20, 2014 by kaylan 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Phoe Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 So lettuce beef real tea right now. Is this code for something? I agree with the short man debate though, that women talk about how undesirable short men are, then wonder why on earth they're insecure. DERP. I know I am a woman myself, but god... women are illogical. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
AD1980 Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 Lets stop the bullsh!!t here. These threads and posts come up all the time...calling attention to the reality that short men are not top picks for women. And most of the time it isnt short dudes creating these threads. Why the hell can they not voice their displeasure when this is constantly thrown in their face here and in real life? Jesus Christ with this lame ass shaming I see in this thread. You people dont do the same damn thing when men bring up a chicks weight. I dont see women being shamed for "letting it bother them". So lettuce beef real tea right now. (so lets be real here) Im a 5'9 whos just fine with his height. And guess what? The ONLY ever time I even thought my height was an issue was when I allowed my ex (prior to us dating) to make me that I was short. And the chick was 5'2 herself lol. The thing is that I generally see men tip toe around womens weight, and I see people be more patient and tactful about that issue. But I definitely do not see the same courtesy with regards to the male height issue. It does seem like women are treated more with kid gloves for some reason with this stuff..God forbid you say anything negative or your preference youre a pig meanwhile women have no filter on them at all and will tell you why they prefer what they do and how unappealing they find certain physical traits. Its why i go crazy when i see all these women claim looks arent nearly as important to them as men umm really? just read these threads lol Link to post Share on other sites
ThaWholigan Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 I see short guys complain more on the net than fat chicks do to be honest.... If the latter complained more, I'd imagine they'd get similar treatment. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
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