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Doing friends favours for money

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As a student I regularly babysit my old boss and colleagues dog for extra coin. Usually just over a weekend or for a few days at my own place.

They recently asked me if I wanted to earn some extra coin and if I could watch their dog for two weeks and a few days while they are on vacation and while it was a major inconvenience (hard to stay out late with friends/family/plan around work/ was during valentines weekend and couldn't do much with the SO) I agreed and did the favor.

The dog is A+ but requires meds as it's elderly, not to mention has a fairly active bladder, overall though wasn't too difficult just an inconvenience to my non animal lifestyle.


After bringing the dog home safe and sound I waited a few days and asked when would be a good time to come by and talk/grab some puppy sitting fees as we regularly do.


I haven't heard anything back about paying me but they did addressed that they got home safe etc. being a poor student and this being a friendship how should I address the situation as I quite honestly wouldn't have accepted to watch the dog for free for two weeks(that's quite an extended period of time to dogsit) usually they are awesome and leave me the money upfront and it's never been a problem.



Edited by Neden
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Reply to the text..


"Glad to hear you enjoyed your trip/got home safe! Just re: $$, I can pop in tomorrow to grab it if you're free? Otherwise, the weekend will be fine. Let me know :)"

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Reply to the text..


"Glad to hear you enjoyed your trip/got home safe! Just re: $$, I can pop in tomorrow to grab it if you're free? Otherwise, the weekend will be fine. Let me know :)"


Thanks for the reply! I actually followed her home safe text up with something similar a few days ago and haven't heard back. Not sure how to approach the situation at this point as now it's just kind of awkward

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Try not to feel awkward. You had an agreement, and you have every right to ask. It annoys me that people put others in this position...if anything, they're the ones that should feel awkward that you've had to chase them! I absolutely can't stand asking for money either, but I find the best way to go about it is to not think, and just act. A phone call is better than a text.


"Sorry to hassle you, but I'm pretty strapped for cash at the moment :( Just wondering when I can come and collect $$ for watching Fido? Are you home tonight?"


If you don't ask, you may end up resenting them. The longer you let it go, the harder it will be. Just ask.

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I was in this exact same situation once.


Just be persistent, but friendly. They should take this more seriously, but you may have to just keep reminding them.

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