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Yup, its usually the guy who is begging for sex, but in my case its me, the girl. My partner and I have sex about once a week. Its just not enough, I feel frustrated and horny ALL THE TIME. I masterbate every day just so that I can relieve a little of the need.


He is ten years older than me (I'm 22, he's 32)and he is the first guy I had sex with whereas he has bedded many many women, BUT i do not think that justifies how little he wants sex. I know I'm excited about it because its a new discovery to me and for him its not, but come on, once a week!


Yes, I'm being selfish and yes, I sound like a petulant little kid, but it is seriously bugging me. I think about sex twenty-four seven and you have no idea how frustrating it is when you just cannot get your partner to want it more often!!


He says he enjoys sex with me, and he certainly seems to when we do, so I know attraction is not the problem. He just says that once a week is enough satisfaction for him and he doesnt need any more than that. I don't understand that cause I'm ready the very next day for more (and he does satisfy me so its not that I'm feeling unsatisfied).


Can anyone at all see where I'm coming from? Or am I just being demanding about this? Seriously, I think once a week is just pitiful!

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It seems he is being a bit selfish. You are not asking him to walk on hot coals every day, you are wanting something that is pleasurable to both of you. The way I read your post, he is just plain saying that once a week is enough for him, that's fine and to hell with you. I think you need to take a very close look at that kind of attitude on his part.


This kind of selfishness can spread itself to all parts of the relationship.


People's sexual appetites differ. They also change with time. As a man gets older, stresses, the aging process, medical problems, etc. can affect his libido. While men seem to require sex less as they get older, late teens seeming to be their sexual prime, women tend to be into sex and its pleasures more as they get older...especially peaking in their mid to late 30's. So you may not be nearly as horny now as you will be in 15 years or so.


Is he in good physical condition? Does he otherwise exercise? Do you do sexy things to seduce him? If you are just walking up to him and saying "let's do it" that may even be a turn off for a man who has problems with taking orders or having demands placed upon him. Perhaps you need to use more psychology and be more soft and loving in your quest for sex with this guy.


I assume you have discussed this with him and he has told you simply that he is absolutely happy with once a week and that is that. If negotiation has not been able to achieve some sort of compromise here, you are surely to walk from this relationship in frustration as time goes on. If he really loves you and cares to be with you, he will make himself available for making love with you at least a few more times a week.


If every attempt at resolving this fails, it will be clear there is a serious sexual incompatibility. Then, you will have to decide if it's something you can live with or that you can be more fulfilled in another relationship. It would NOT be in your best interests to continue this unresolved because you would be a prime candidate for seeking sex outside your relationship.


Bottom line: You have to decide just how important sex is to you, and it seems extremely important. Once you have made your decision and he has made his, then deciding whether or not you remain with him should be pretty easy.

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