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Caught wife cheating.

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Good news on the job. Keep it. Provide for yourself and your kid. Get a car. Drive. Be independent as a way of life.


Get off facebook. Unfriend anyone that is not truly your friend - that includes your wife and all her relatives. That only hurts you.


Do anything and everything to see your kid as much as possible. Don't 'play the game' with your wife. Have as little contact with her as possible and tell her you want what is best for your kid and will keep your discussions with her to your child. Then do it. Don't engage with her. It gets you nothing but anger.

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Great to hear things are going well for you. I hope she knows that you'll be coming back in a month! And you are the luckiest SOB on the forums. You can file in either NY or TN as they are both at fault states. I would look to see which will give you the better deal with divorce.



As much as you want to respond to things being said on Facebook, don't. Usually, I would tell you to block them, but you don't want to show your hand. You want your wife clueless so anything that might raise a red flag. You want her on her heels when she's served and scrambling to try and get a lawyer. By the way, what's being said on Facebook?



You stated your lawyer is going after their work place? Is he trying to get restitution for you?



Need a detailed update dude! Oh! and be sure you're keeping in contact with your kids!

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"I am now in Syracuse NY.And getting ready to start my new job on Monday.And have another interview for part time Wednesday."


Where's the child? If you left,without the child,you made a grave mistake. You should have stayed in the marital residence,with the child. You had status quo in your favor. You should have asked for attorney fees to be paid by your spouse and exclusive use of the home,while she continue to pay the payments. It would have happened.

Instead,you moved.Out of state! I can't believe your attorney said that was ok. Don't think she won't change the locks,hide the child,get you for abandonment,etc.,,

Now,you have a job. Great! Get ready for child support payments!


"So i made sure i posted on facebook that i was taking a trip to new york and would be back in a month"


Her attorney's going to love this! Don't post anything! Get back to Tennessee and in your home,with the child.

Also,all of this talk about getting the police involved was nonsense. Police don't get involved in civil cases,unless there's domestic violence or abuse. They aren't going to get involved in a custody matter.

A job is the least of your worries at the moment. All that's done is enable you to pay support.

Think a stay at home mom needs a job to file for divorce? Nope!

Wish I had gotten on here sooner. You had this,until you moved.

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