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coping with not being part of there life


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how do u cope knwing u will nevr again be part of her life after being so close 4 so long n sharing so much.


then the idea of nevr speaking again nevr sharing stuff.


broke up a few wks ago n this is jst killing me.

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Give it time, and start your own life as hard as it may be. Is there more of the story as to how you broke up? You never know what the future holds but right now you both need space.


I personally don't know if my ex will reach out to me again down he road, but I wonder if he even should for my benefit, would I really want to be a part of his life knowing he completely and totally went full steam ahead?


They love you when they love you, but when they've checked out, you aren't their priority anymore. So it's up to us that have suffered to learn to do the same thing, making ourselves a priority as hard as that can be.


It's not to say you won't feel the emotions, the sadness, the hurt, the questions... But with time and strength, you WILL heal, you will find yourself again and you will find someone who loves you for you, not what they expect you to be.

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