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Sparkle, one day down, one to go. :)

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I didn't call her today. I am still going to take your advice, but I don't know about the ten minute thing or not. ;)


I am not going to call her tomorrow either. I am just curious how long it will go on before she calls me. I can play this game if that is what she wants. hehe



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Good going...there is still hope! Yes, don't call today. By the way, it would be much better if you waited until she called you, but I don't think you have enough self-control to wait that long. Or do you?

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Hmmmm.....I really thought about that. The thing is though, what if she doesn't call today or tomorrow. I need to know what we are going to do this weekend. If she doesn't call, should we not do anything at all this weekend??



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YES!! And there's nothing wrong with you playing your cards right to get back with this chick.


But for the love of God, will you please go hunt for other chicks!!!


YOU and this chick ARE NOT dating right now, and you SHOULD go on the hunt for other babes!!!

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Dear Ace,


I thought you would have read the post with my suggestions carefully. And I thought you might just once take the advice.


I know you read part of it because you posted and said you haven't called her, and one more day to go. But did you read the whole thing? If not, I wrote something like this:


DO NOT make any plans with her for the weekend. Do not see her today, thurs, fri, sat, or sunday.


So there is no reason for you to get in touch with her this week, even if she doesn't call, because you are NOT going to hang out with her this weekend.


In these couple of days you have to yourself, go out and meet some new girls. Try to meet a new girl each day. By sunday, you'll have 5. Just make yourself comfortable with meeting a stranger and striking up a conversation and hopefully getting their phone number. You don't even have to call these girls up afterwards.


Anyway, if you don't want my opinion, I apologize and will try to stay quiet :x

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Some great advice here!!! But, what Ace doesn't seem to understand is that one of his big attractions to this babe is that she is a challenge. What you have suggested is that he turn the whole thing around, which is GREAT.


And sparkle's advice has been terrific too.


If this girl only knew just how obsessed Ace was, she would throw up. Now, I'm not cutting him down because I've been there...but sparkle's advice from a lady's point of view was priceless.


Ace needs to get off this obsession kick and let this girl be just a part of a very big and fulfilling life.

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There's a brickwall outside that listens more than you Ace. Nothing personal, but we've given you the best relationship advice we had, and you ignored it all. Now Sparkle is practically holding your hand through this, and all she ask is that you cooperate, but even that you can't understand.


I feel bad for your ex. I have this feeling you'll just follow her around like a puppy till she either gets a restraining order on you, or moves to another country.


I know you won't listen to me, but you need some time alone by yourself. You really need to take a break, and compose yourself, and take a good hard look at who you are and where you're headed. It's not healthy to rely on any other human being for your personal happiness as much you're doing now. Right now, this "relationship" is taking up all you free time and concentration. You're behaving like you can't function without seeing this girl. You've made this girl your everything, and no human being can fill that job description.


It won't kill you not to think about her for a couple of weeks.It certainly won't hurt her any. It will help put matters in perspective.


But I know the past few paragraphs have already been ignored by you. I bet you can't even remember what I wrote.So at least do me one favor: please please don't tell me you're Canadian! I couldn't stand the shame if you were.

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I realize that I am VERY wrapped up in this girl and I think about her all the time. The thing is that we ARE dating. We still do things every week and are going to start doing things on the weekend also according to her.


I know that I am TOO wrapped up in her and after all of this, I SHOULD go out and at least meet other girls. I just have no desire to do this at all. I knew that this girl was the one for me a year ago and I know that she is now. I feel as if I cannot simply let her go.


I yearn to be with her and everytime and we are together, we BOTH have a great time now. This is not just me wanting this to work. It is her also! If she was simply blowing me off and acting like she didn't want to do anything, then I would not try to ask her anything, but she says that she wants to go out again!


She says that she just wants to date now and take it slow and I am ok with that. However, she is always talking about us in the future so I assume that she feels the way that I do, to a certain extent.


I am seriously going to take Sparkle's advice! It is going to be hard by not seeing her, but I am curious when/if she will call me. This will tell if she really does want to be with me.


Again, this is just not me. Some of you guys are trying to make me sound like a stalker or something in which she doesn't want to be with me. THIS IS NOT THE CASE! I HAVE KNOWN HER FOR 5 YEARS NOW AND I KNOW WHEN SHE WANTS TO BE WITH ME AND ALSO WHEN SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BE WITH ME!!


The only thing I am sorry to you guys about is posting advice questions and not taking it. However, I am glad that I have done what I did because we are dating now. That is alot better then being friends.


As you have noticed, I have not posted anything else about us getting back together, advice, etc. I am only posting additions to what others have posted and other innocent posts such as the date ideas.


I realize that I will probably not take anyone's advice exept for Sparkle's from now on. I am done wasting my time posting and then dicking you guys over and I apologize for that.



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"I realize that I will probably not take anyone's advice exept for Sparkle's from now on. I am done wasting my time posting and then dicking you guys over and I apologize for that."


Yeah, you're welcome, buddy.


And the passive aggressive crap doesn't make me feel a bit bad for telling you my honest opinion. I told you my honest opinion, no sugar-coating, just MY opinion. Now, if you choose to disregard this, be my guest. But I was just trying to help.


I don't know you from a hole in the wall, but sympathize you, because I've been there, and learned some pretty tough lessons. And exactly NOBODY here portrayed you to be a stalker. I challenge you to show me exaclty where anybody did that.


You sought our advice, and our advice is our GIFT to you!


I don't feel the least bit bad by offering that to you, regardless of if you accept. And I really don't see your point in telling us that you're only going to listen from Sparkle from now on.


Also, you say:


"I know that I am TOO wrapped up in her and after all of this, I SHOULD go out and at least meet other girls. I just have no desire to do this at all."


Well, isn't that EXACTLY what I say in my posts (in a nutshell)??????


Then you write:


"I am done wasting my time posting and then dicking you guys over and I apologize for that."


-Again, passive aggressive, and it's your choice to stop posting. Also, your interpretation that you're wasting our time. You're more than welcome to my advice in the future, if you seek it.


And I wish you the best of luck!!!

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