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Special date ideas?

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I am getting really bored with the little "dinner and a movie" dates. What are some other ideas that you guys may have? I really need some more ideas on what to do.


Thank ya



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humfrey bowgart

[1] if you want to do something different, that she'll find exciting, print off all your past posts here and let her read them. get a fine bottle of champagne as this will surely be a celebration


[2] after you finish reading the posts you can make paper airplanes with them and see who can shoot them the furthest


[3] hire the goodyear blimp and have them trail behind it a message telling her how much you dig her


[4] get his and hers tattoos


[5] shave your head and eyebrows for a different look


[6] take her to victoria's secret and model some lingerie for her


[7] go to tiffany's and buy her an engagement ring. the bigger the better


[8] have a nose-picking contest


[9] instead of dinner and movies how about dinner at the movies.


[10] spend the night doing backstreet boy impersonations


[11] tell her you believe you are really an alien and sit back and watch the look on her face


[12] do beauty makeovers on each other


[13] spend your entire date speaking in a foreign language


I am getting really bored with the little "dinner and a movie" dates. What are some other ideas that you guys may have? I really need some more ideas on what to do. Thank ya Adam
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Just to give u a bit of an idea, I'll tell u what my two favourite ever dates were.


1. I mentioned I hadnt gone horseriding since I was a kid, so he arranged a surprise date and took me to the stables I rode at when I was younger. It was amazing - the fact that someone went to the trouble to find out the same stable, the fact that he had listened and absorbed in the first place, and the fact that he was an absolute beginner and kind of frightened of horses himself. For someone to do all that, that was what made the date that much more special.


So tip 1: Make it personal to the girl. Listen to what she says in conversations and try to surprise her with something she's expressed desire in doing, no matter how fleeting. Its great to know a guy has listened to you, and that he's willing to try something even if he's scared, just because you want to.


2. The other date that sticks in my mind as being a really good one was also a long one. It wasnt just an evening date, it lasted all day. He called at 7.00am and told me to be ready in an hour and picked me up and we went to my favourite beach where we had a champagne breakfast. That was nice because the beach was gorgeous and there werent many people around and it was different for me, as I try never to get up before 8am, hehe. Then we went for a drive and just stopped wherever we felt like it - it was such an original and personalised date because we made the date together. You know, we saw a park we had to go to, we chose the cafe we wanted to eat at, we jumped out of the car to talk to a juggler etc etc. It was nothing planned, things just happened and sometimes sponeneity is so much better than vigorous planning which can sometimes seem contrived. In the late afternoon, we hired some golf clubs and played golf. In the evening, we ate McDonalds while watching the sun go down from our vantage point on a hill overlooking the harbour.


Tip 2: A good date does not necessarily have to be an expensive one. Its funny that out of all the dates I've had, where the majority were the man going way out to impress me with his money, the one I remember really fondly is the one that in all liklihood, cost the least!


Also never under-rate sponteneity. When you don't plan a date, you make the date. Together. And thats when the girl will remember it, when she's been a part of it.


Well, I hope this gives you some ideas. Good luck!

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Hey, Boggie, Ace lives in a smaller town. The Tiffany thing may be a bit difficult. But your other suggestions are fascinating and creative and would win the hearts of most women.

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