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Can't get her out of my head (RANT)


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I know that no matter what, my ex’s and I will never be together again. I have accepted it and made peace with it but for some reason I can’t get her out of my head!

There a certain line that a person just don't cross and she crossed it. She used me, manipulated me, turned all of my friends against me, start fights with my family, used me as a doormat, tried to control my life, and drain me out emotionally. What is wrong with me? I been managing NC fairly well for 2 months now but I still think about this girl every single day? It almost like I'm obsessed with her or addicted to her.

Am I going crazy?

Edited by brokeNlost
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You're allowing your head to keep thinking about her.

You need to get your conscious mind to control your sub-conscious, once you do that the thoughts will stop coming.


There are two ways I found effective:

1. When the thoughts come in acknowledge then and let them go (stop thinking about it straight away)


2. Reverse the thought (eg. I wish it worked out between us -> The relationship was never going to work between us OR It was never meant to be forever)

Once you reverse the thought, accept what you said and let it go.


Keep doing this and you will get decent progress!

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