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do you ever really know?


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My husband has betrayed my trust first with his lying,and then with his affairs , and he can't tell me for sure if its gonna happen again , I love him and want to keep my family togeather , but am I just fooling myself ? He seems to have these relationships every three years, that he says never are sexual , but are always behind my back , and he doesn't give me the reason why he does it ? He says I am more then he could ever want in a wife and all he ever dreamed of , so I am confused why he seems to need these other relationships ? Are some men just never satisfied ?

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Go back to the message index and scroll down just a little bit to the post entitled: Cheating Advice posted by Magenta.


Read my post and others you see there. They will most likely come as close to answering your question as possible. Your husband is being brutally honest in saying he'd not sure whether it will happen again because he's really not. Unfortunately, he was born human and I think the fact that he is willing to be so honest makes him one of the more classy humans.


Some of the greatest men in history have cheated on their wives, along with celebrated clergymen (Revs. Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, and Jesse Jackson most recently), down through the years. It's just something we can't get away from because it's just the way we were made...and it has nothing to do with anything more than being human and subject to imperfections.

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