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We haven't even started do date and she wants to marry me!

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This girl in class has fallen in love with me. I really like her and we've been flirting without really speaking for months.

Anyway she and her friends are playing mind games with me that she wants to marry me -- not kidding, serious! I just want to date, I don't want to marry anyone at 25. I would like to get her number soon and talk to her and get to know her, but I really don't want to marry anyone. She really really likes me and no doubt I think she's really pretty and would like to date her, but if I continue approaching her and get her number does it mean i'm stuck and will be forced into marriage. I wouldn't think so, but I feel i'm being pushed and i'm confused. I have to manage to get her number, get together with her and let her know how I feel (marriage is not for me), but how do I do this???

Bottom line I would like to date her, but I think she has stronger feelings for me.

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Just get her number and go on a date. If she brings up marraige just inform her "I do not discuss marraige on the first date" Seriously just say, from what I know I like you and would like to get to know you better. Who knows maybe a year from now you might want to marry her?!?!

Maybe her and her friend were just joking or something too.

Bottom line, get her number and go on a date. Just don't go to Vegas and get too drunk or you might end up married like Britney Spears.

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They must be joking ---maybe she and her friends are using that line to break the ice with you.

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Er..i suggest you go on a date. Bring up the issue about her friends joking about marriage and stuff like that.

Gauge her reaction. If she seems serious- i'd suggest walking away fom her. A girl who wants to marry you on the first date has seriously issues about being needy/emotionally suffocating. It's not reality!

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