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When do you feel the worst is over?

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Hi troops


Well, I'm over the 8 month mark, I've stayed the course of singlehood, not jumped into one nite stands, braved the ex meeting someone else.


I'm now going out with a fellow battle scarred single father to pubs and nightclubs and having random snogs etc.


I'm still there for my son and elderly father and my house is still not sold but I was wondering, is this the start of the recovery, I'm i finally reaching the light?


Is there anyone else at the same point as me that's starting to feel better and now looking at their ex as just somebody and not someone they miss?

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I'm still there for my son and elderly father and my house is still not sold but I was wondering, is this the start of the recovery, I'm i finally reaching the light?


For me, it felt like a light switched on inside of me and I just knew that I was going to be OK. Before that I was constantly worried about how I was going to handle my life and those depending on me all on my own.


But after some time and actually doing it, I realized I could do it alone and that confidence made the light come on and I felt like that was the real turning point.


I think the more you keep building your new life and doing things, the more into recovery you'll be.

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Shocked Suzie
Hi troops


Well, I'm over the 8 month mark, I've stayed the course of singlehood, not jumped into one nite stands, braved the ex meeting someone else.


I'm now going out with a fellow battle scarred single father to pubs and nightclubs and having random snogs etc.


I'm still there for my son and elderly father and my house is still not sold but I was wondering, is this the start of the recovery, I'm i finally reaching the light?


Is there anyone else at the same point as me that's starting to feel better and now looking at their ex as just somebody and not someone they miss?



8 month mark was a real turn point for me "although" I still experienced some real low points after this timeframe too. I suppose it also depends on how things run too... My ex has just persisted to do hurtful/thoughtless stuff which just dragged me back down, to again get back up again... Suppose it's just part of this regrowth process.


Don't stress if you have a slip up, roll with it and pull yourself out of it...it takes time


Your doing great, don't put too much pressure on yourself to heal (I did this heaps and at times still do! it holds you back cause you beat yourself up over it... Although I think that's pretty normal too.


Keep going forward :)

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I guess some of the feelings I'm having is a sign. I'm genuinely starting to feel indifferent towards the ex, and my only concern about any future relationships or current relationship she has is purely from my sons stand point. She has also made overtures about her weight in a poor me text discussion and I told her that I "would give her advice except that it's not my place anymore".


I also find myself flirting with other women again, I'm not rushing into a relationship but I do feel ready to have fun, no string dates, just as a confidence booster. The only thing that does get me down is the lack of a sale on my house but other than that, I'm starting to feel myself again as in the self I was before I met the ex.

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I was with my ex almost 8 years - and just now had to count how many months it has been since we broke up- about 9. I feel myself again, certainly much better than I have felt in the last couple of years. I was not excepting to ever feel 'great', so it is a nice surprise.


In the early months I would avoid a lot of reminders, like songs, places, movies and so on. But after awhile I would be like 'cringe, that song..oh hang on, I am enjoying the song, no bad feelings'. It just started to not hurt.


Another big one was starting to really like someone else. Even without participating in a relationship, being able to naturally like someone else- it did feel really good to feel emotionally free from the past, much light seeing the light.


After a while I actually would look forward to the reminders, made me feel freer and freer.

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