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Should I be concerned?

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My husband is always jerking off in the shower. Little does he know I know he is doing this. He does make love to me But sometimes I feel it is even a bother for him to. Or It is always on his time. And if he is pleased so Be it. It hasent always been like this Our sex life has always been great. Not to mention usually once we are finished we would go to bed. Now he gets up and takes a shower. What am I to think of all this. It not at all like he used to be. Did he changed as he got older or what?

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This is really something you need to talk to your husband about. Jerking off in the shower in and of itself is not a bad thing, IMO. Most people service themselves on a regular basis. But if you're feeling like something is wrong, talk to him. Be honest and tell him that you feel like maybe he's not as interested. Communication is always the key. If you're not communicating openly and honestly, feelings start getting needlessly hurt and there are misunderstandings between the parties. Talk and see if that helps ease your mind.

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I want to thank you for responding FUNNY thing is I do communicate But when I do my feelings and concerns get turned around and the outcome is never good. Im at my witts end I dont know what to do... We talk often. But it goes no where. I cant tell you that he used to be on a ship for the Navy and now he is shore duty MP I really think that this position is going to his head. I really dont know what to do. He just dont care anymore WHat do I DO??????

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I looked up Navy MP, it's military police, right? If your husband's strange behaviour coincides with his promotion, then perhaps you should be examining how the new job is changing his lifestyle and how this could be affecting his behaviour. Does your base have support groups and counselling services for wives of military personnel? I think you should find out, and if so, start there for advice. Also I get the feeling from your posts that he might be intimidating you sometimes. If so, the more you inform yourself about his professional world, I think the less intimidated you will be. And he'll probably be flattered that you take an active interest and can have an informed discussion about it. Good luck, I'm sorry that things are so difficult for you right now.

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Thanks for the replies. I will check and see about the support groups I am sure there is one. Do you all think he is cheating on me Does it sound like he is? Thanks again all......

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I would just make the point that jerking off is also a stress reducer. And by you mentioning his switching of positions or posts, I would give some thought to exploring that. That's quite the lifestyle change too, from boat to shore...

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