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Jealous of girlfriend kissing her guy friend in a play.

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Good, Tell her that you want to talk to her about something that's bothering you and that you'd like to discuss it over dinner. Don't let her try and pry it out of you beforehand or through text or on the phone. This is something you want to do face to face and in a public area. Less chance of her blowing up on you. So, take her out to eat tonight.



Then...just tell her that you have a hard time accepting her kissing another guy. That, even though it's innocent enough, the thought of it still hurts. And that if the shoe was on the other foot, I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate you kissing another girl in any way shape or form. It would bother her to some degree and she would be lying if she said it wouldn't. No one that's given their heart to someone wants to see them have an intimate moment with someone else.



Do not go to the meet up without some possible solutions to the problem. Because, if you don't then the only thing you're doing is bitchin at her and no one wants to hear it.



So, maybe one of the suggestions is for you to say that you're not asking her to quit the play, but you can't attend any of the performances if she's going to kiss someone else. It would be too hard to sit there, witness it and try to be okay with it.



Or, think of some possible solutions of your own.


Chi just gave you a great advice. Have a solution in your had but don't lie to your self. think only of a solution you can live with.


I Know you're concerned now with the up coming kiss, but try to think ahead. Is it a career she is trying to build? Is it only one time experience she's going to have??


There isn't much leeway here. If you can live with the solution Chi offered (not to be present during the shows) it will be great! Can you stand it?

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It's going to be a career she'll build. And she may offer to only do plays with no kissing but I feel like that would be limiting her career.

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