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What is a friend?


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I'm living with someone I have feelings for. I want to move out. She says I'm ditching her. But for my mental sanity, I need to move out. Am I running away?


You might think it's just an excuse, but I'm not mature enough to handle having feelings for someone, and being a friend. I can't do that just yet. I shouldn't be wanting more, if I already have her as a friend. But fact is, I do. That's where I lack maturity.

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Have you made your friend aware of your feelings? If you have and she does not feel the same way, I don't think it's immature to move out.


If you are living with a "friend" you have feelings for, you certainly don't want to be around to hear her talking to guys on the phone, having guys over for dinner, having guys pick her up to take her out and you certainly don't want to listen to her talking about the guys in her life.


Your desire to move out is not immature at all and you are not ditching her. As a matter of fact, I would say it's pretty immature of her to feel that way. If she does not care for you in the same way, if she is a mature lady she will perfectly understand that there is pain associated with sharing the same quarters as friends but wanting more.


If you haven't discussed your feelings with her, by all means do so. There could be something there. If not, start packing, move out, and go on with your life. In time, you will be able to look at her as just a friend. While you are having greater feelings for her and they aren't being returned, you really shouldn't spend a whole lot of time around her, for your own sound mental health.

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I'm living with someone I have feelings for.

I want to move out. She says I'm ditching her. But for my mental sanity, I need to move out. Am I running away? You might think it's just an excuse, but I'm not mature enough to handle having feelings for someone, and being a friend. I can't do that just yet. I shouldn't be wanting more, if I already have her as a friend. But fact is, I do. That's where I lack maturity.


To me, that's easy. If your'e questioning it, that means you respect her, and you should probably hold on to that, maybe for later in life, because she'll respect you for it, too, and that counts for a whole lot, whether you realize it at this moment or not.

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